Spreadsheet Shows Biden Paid $800,000 of Hunter’s Legal Bills – IOTW Report

Spreadsheet Shows Biden Paid $800,000 of Hunter’s Legal Bills


President Joe Biden’s repeated claims that he never has discussed son Hunter Biden’s business with him have come into question after an email surfaced Tuesday, the Daily Mail reported.

The 2019 email said that the then-former vice president had agreed to cover nearly $800,000 in bills compiled ahead of the 2020 presidential election, the Daily Mail reported. Those bills included legal fees tied to Hunter’s controversial overseas business dealings.

A spreadsheet detailing the debts was attached to the email. More

11 Comments on Spreadsheet Shows Biden Paid $800,000 of Hunter’s Legal Bills

  1. So if the big guy paid 800 k of Hunter’s legal bill doesn’t that make joey guilty by association? Or does that only apply to conservatives and Republicans. I hate biden and the democraps. Ya better watch out joey and sychophants, you can’t take it with you, not ever, never. And God holds you accountable just like the rest of us kulaks and deplorables. I have my own problems but I wouldn’t want to be you when we all assume room temperature.

  2. C’mon Man! By the time some lawyer asks Dementia Joe about this little financial matter, he will be unable to remember any details or why he loaned this money to his undeceased younger son, Humper. See how it’s going to work.

  3. Still a nutin burder! But shit I still want to cry about, mommie, ma ma, mama, please pull my panty wad out of my butt, honey I’m makin dinner, get Brad, he’s good at wadded panties up a butt.

  4. The Real Perlmans scared to death of me. For good reason. He shouldn’t threaten people he doesn’t know. If I had a terminal disease, just sayen, he’d dig it. They’d be calling him Hell Boy for another reason.

  5. The bigger picture here is Pedo’s
    payoff is part of an undeclared 5.3 million in hidden income.

    This nugget came from the lefty rag Daily Mail.

    If the lefties are now active in exposing the Pedo Crime Familia then you know Valjar has given the go ahead cause the Pedo blew up the Iran Deal, just like the imbecile screws up every single thing he touches.

    The Kenyan Queer was never more than a puppet himself with ValJars arm up his ass moving his lips.

    Watch for the Pedo to resign soon. I would speculate after the mid term massacre since it’s now to late to stop it.

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