Squaw Big Tooth Claims ‘Indigenous Heritage’ after Hanging Out with Native American – IOTW Report

Squaw Big Tooth Claims ‘Indigenous Heritage’ after Hanging Out with Native American

NN: AOC claims, without evidence, that she has Native American roots that suddenly emerged after she met with tribes at Standing Rock Indian Reservation.

Typically, when someone discovers previously unknown ancestry, it’s through research into the family tree or via DNA testing.

But AOC doesn’t need to waste time with any real evidence because she can just “awaken” to her “indigenous heritage.”

Responding to a comment on Instagram, she said she wanted to connect more with the ancestral roots of the Taíno, an indigenous people group of the Caribbean. more

33 Comments on Squaw Big Tooth Claims ‘Indigenous Heritage’ after Hanging Out with Native American

  1. How can squaw big tooth be indigenous to America if she comes from Puerto Rico? I’ve never heard of any injun tribes that emigrated to the US mainland from Puerto Rico, have you? And if they had they would have emigrated to NYC.

  2. Can’t wait for Elon Musk to whack that hanging curveball. When he does, she’s going to torch her Tesla right where it sits in the handicapped parking space. Because she’s disabled, too, you know.

  3. She might. She might not. No one but her should even care.

    The problem is that Democrats created a completely unconstitutional racial spoils system that grants unwarranted privilege based on crap like this, with the ultimate intention of punishing White people for being White, possibly to the point of genocide.

    If this didn’t exist, we’d never hear this stupidity.

    Because no one would care.

    (At 2:20)

    “Kuch : Sure, except for one thing – I ain’t no fucking Indian. It’s just shit I made up. Louden Swain : A lot of people ain’t Indians”
    -Vision Quest (1985)

  4. How many generations back do you have to go before you are “native American”?
    Seriously, the theory is all humans came to North America from somewhere else…
    My recorded lineage goes back to 1679. I even have strange dental characteristics that are tied to Inuits.
    Can I claim to be “native American”?

  5. Remember, to progressives truth doesn’t matter, it only matters how you feel and how you “identify.” AOC identifies as Indian holds as much water as Elizabeth Warren identifying as Indian (remember the “high cheek bones” comment?).

  6. Princes Dumb Beaver speaks.

    There are very few non natives Tribal members warm up to and having a lot of experience on The Rez, I can tell you straight up – She ain’t one of them. The only Tribal members who would have anything to do with her are the politicians among them.

  7. Never could understand why non injuns think being an injun is such a great thing.

    Considering that almost every other racial group has made it suck to be an injun. Especially the Hispanics.

    But hey, indigenous is the new cool I guess.

  8. “I’m sure her heritage is that of some squaw princess, too. Ever notice that? No one is ever related to Marty the cab driver.”

    two fun facts:the idiot notion that squaw means woman in all 500 American Indian languages came from Walt Disney studios, and

    it actually means ( rhymes with runt ) ( starts with c ) in one of those 500 languages

  9. As a North Dakota resident, I didn’t know the ancephalic, failed bartender had visited. With a bit of a heads up, I could have arranged for her to receive a few government issued blankets so she could stay warm up here in the almost great white north.

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