Squaw Valley Ski Resort To Be Renamed Something Less Offensive – IOTW Report

Squaw Valley Ski Resort To Be Renamed Something Less Offensive


It’s official. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows Ski Resort is looking for a new name. The Tahoe ski resort announced on Tuesday morning that it is committed to removing the term “squaw,” a racist and sexist slur, from its name.

“With the momentum of recognition and accountability we are seeing around the country, we have reached the conclusion that now is the right time to acknowledge a change needs to happen,” said Ron Cohen, president and COO of Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows in a statement. More

34 Comments on Squaw Valley Ski Resort To Be Renamed Something Less Offensive

  1. It’ll always be Squaw Valley to me. I love that place. Home of the 1960 Winter Olympics. USA beat USSR in hockey. I had the privilege to live there in 1969/1970. A nice valley. I was too young to bag a squaw at that point.

    Many fond childhood memories of that place.

  2. The marxist Taliban are erasing my history. Squaw Valley. Washington Redskins. And now that I live in Virginia, the statues. The school names. When will they remove the signs on Route 1 that say Jefferson Davis Highway are still there. I should steal one and put it in my man cave.

  3. Somewhere in the bowels of Lawrence Berkley Laboratory in Berkeley, CA in the office called the National Center for Electronic Microscopy is a device called the Transmission Electron Aberration-corrected Microscope (TEAM for short). It can deliver Hi Res images that are smaller than a carbon atom. And, yet, even using that device, you could not find the part of my brain that gives a shit what the virtue signalers want to rename Squaw Valley to.

  4. They used to have a place with the exact same name in Ontario Canuckistan but it was renamed a long time ago/ \

    Whatever. Blah Blah Blah.

  5. @PHenry

    They should rename it the Kim Kardashian Range. And in between those huge peaks is the Kim Kardashian Canyon. Further south is the often erupting and shaking Kim Kardashian Crackfault, which has both earthquakes and geysers.

  6. RickeyG
    AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 7:27 PM
    ‘Just call them all “Downhill Ski Slope Number __” …Inoffensive enough?’

    …nah, snow is White and skiing was inveted by White people so they should just turn it all over to the Peoples of Preferred Descent after removing all that hateful White stuff from it and apologizing for the White Supremacist symbolim of allowing Brown and Red lands to be COVERED in White so the NATIVE colors can’t be seen…/s

  7. @Phenry – shit, next time we’ll meet in the man cave instead of the outdoorsman(gun) store…although that was fun! Albeit BRIEF, but fun in the moment…

  8. They ARE a little late to the party.
    Up here in North Maine, the libtards changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain, Little Squaw Mountain. Big Squaw
    Township, and Squaw Mountain Skiing.
    They replaced the word “Squaw” with “Moose”.
    I sure hope Peta doesn’t get involved.
    They’ll be changing them again.

  9. Handy N Handsome AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 8:42 PM
    They ARE a little late to the party.
    “Up here in North Maine, the libtards changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain, Little Squaw Mountain. Big Squaw
    Township, and Squaw Mountain Skiing.
    They replaced the word “Squaw” with “Moose””

    …is that a Moose Obama reference? It sure LOOKS like a Moose Obama reference. That be RAAAAYCISSSS, YO! it MUST be changed IMMEDIATELY because, White Supremacy, Trans phobia, and fat shaming!!!! REEEEEEET!!

  10. O……Olympic Valley.

    You know…cuz they held the Olympics there one year….and called it Olympic Valley.

    A more accurate name would be NO POOR PEOPLE VALLEY. Cuz….skiing is super expensive for poor people so they don’t tend to ski too much. Cuz…they’re poor.

    Should rename the tram 50 BUCK SUCKER TRUCK while they’re at it. The snow there is wet and turns to ice pretty quick.

    Never cared for “squaw” valley. Sounds kinda’ low rent.

    Now, WHORE VALLEY has zip. It’s snazzy. Who could you possibly offend with a name like that?

    “I took the 50 buck sucker truck at WHORE VALLEY” would look good on a hoodie.


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