Stand Down Order At Benghazi Has NEVER Been Debunked – IOTW Report

Stand Down Order At Benghazi Has NEVER Been Debunked

Progressives will tell you the the stand down order was debunked.

Where, when was that?


Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Wednesday that a number of witnesses had confirmed a stand-down order was given to military assets in proximity to Benghazi the night of the 2012 terror attack, while others said no one issued such an order.

“The best I can do is tell you what the witnesses say, and then you can decide who you think is more credible,” Gowdy said during an interview with Boston Herald Radio.

His comments came the same day the committee interviewed Jeremy Bash, a high-ranking Pentagon official who in 2012 authored an email indicating the military had forces “spinning” and prepared to head toward Benghazi when approved.

Michael Bay’s film 13 Days, of course, presents the story as if the stand-down order happened, which has liberals upset because, hey, it’s been debunked!

But Gowdy keeps emphasizing for anyone who’s willing to listen that he has 12 witnesses left to interview before he wraps up his investigation, and no one can draw any confident conclusions one way or the other until that happens. It’s certainly plausible that one person says there was no stand-down order because he simply didn’t hear about it, while another person has better information because he did hear about it or possibly was the recipient of it.

The one thing we can say with confidence is that Hillary Clinton denying it happened is of no value whatsoever. Hillary Clinton is a liar and everyone knows it, so the pursuit of credible witnesses makes no progress whatsoever by talking to her.



12 Comments on Stand Down Order At Benghazi Has NEVER Been Debunked

  1. Only a total moron (aka democRAT) would believe that no order like that could ever come from the White House! It was their plan to get Steven captured and then traded back for the GITMO 5. But when the American Heroes who weren’t in on the plan thought it was a real attack and fought back that enraged the muzzies and it got out of hand. That’s why the stand down order, it was suppose to be a ruse. So now obama is in a fix, he had already committed to the release of his 5 comrades but all he can do now is trade them for a piece of shit TRAITOR BOWE BERGDAHL!

  2. I haven’t been following the deeper details. Do the witnesses who say that the stand-down order was indeed given say how it was delivered? By phone? E-mail? Command network?

    Traffic analysis should help clarify a bit. Any sort of message transmission within the relatively brief time interval consistent with such an order would support the possibility that the order was issued. But the absence of such transmission would give the “never happened” crowd something to work with.

    Lest I be misunderstood, a stand-down order from H-Rod would be utterly consistent with her character (or lack thereof) and I tend to believe that she did indeed issue such an order or arranged for it to be given by someone else.

  3. The “Stand Down” originated with ValJar, since Obola was busy doped up and playing “hide the sausage” with Reggie and the SecState doesn’t have that authority. Everybody’s keeping quiet lest they end up dead. The whole Benghazi mess was an NSA/CIA/DIA operation to get WMDs to ISIS and the jihadis in Mali, for what reasons I can’t imagine. Probably had something to do with Assad, but it’s kind of murky.

    Like the Pueblo thing, we’ll probably never know the truth.

    The traitors are in the alphabets.

  4. I just came from seeing “13 Hours”. All I can say is each person MUST see that movie. The corruption in our government is undeniable. The goodness and bravery in the red blooded patriotic American is all that we have going for us. Let’s hope it’s enough.

  5. My abbreviated list of the things that received the “This has been debunked!!11!1!” response from Prog/Donk acquaintances

    -The influence of Frank Marshall Davis on 0bama
    -The influence of Bill Ayres on 0bama
    -0bama’s Pastor Rev Wright was/is a kook
    -the validity of an economic “recovery” created by printing money
    -0bama’s opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection bill
    -Michelle 0bama is an angry Bigfoot who had a make-work job at a hospital where she did nothing
    -0bama is purging the Military of O-6 and above who still have spines
    -0bama is cutting the Mil budget too much
    -Quantitative Easing is a euphemism for Debt Monetizing
    -Margret Sanger didn’t really want to exterminate Negros

    Anyone with the slightest curiosity to examine primary source material can verify any of these issues.

    Any time some shithead pulls the “debunked” ploy I ignore them and regard them as an indoctrinated fool unless I see contradictory evidence.

  6. The three contractors are lying.

    The leader of the six man CIA rescue team, his second in command, three CIA Security Officers, the Chief of Base and his second in command say there was no stand down order. The HSPCI says recordings from the CCTV in the Annex support them.

  7. The movie is garbage based on lies.

    The three contractors are distorting a wise, prudent, reasonable and professional fifteen minute tactical delay by the leader of the rescue team and the chief of base, into a cancellation of the rescue effort to go assist the RSO’s at the diplomatic mission, to promote a movie being marketed to right wing conspiracy loons and Obama and Hillary haters.

  8. The movie is based on lies.

    Only one of the contractors actually claims he was told to stand down. The one known as “Tig” claims he was standing on the porch of the CIA Annex with the Chief of Base, the Deputy COB and the leader of the six man rescue team when the COB told him to stand down in response to Tig’s comment that “we are losing the initiative.”

    In the movie, it is Ty Woods whom was told to stand down, None of the three contractors actually claim they heard anyone tell Woods to stand down. The contractor called “Tonto” claims he was told twice to wait, but never told to stand down.

    The COB, the Deputy COB and the Team Leader say there was no stand down order and the HPSCI said recordings from the CCTV system in the CIA Annex back them up.

    The contractors are trying to distort a very wise, prudent, reasonable and professional fifteen minute tactical delay by the Chief of Base and the Rescue Team Leader to gather intelligence, assess the situation, formulate a rescue mission and request help from the local militia; into an order not to send help to the diplomatic mission.

    The contractors were heroes in Benghazi. But, they are lying about what happen to promote a movie being marketed to right wing conspiracy loons and Obama and Hillary haters.

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