Stanford: Muslim student leader threatens to ‘physically fight Zionists on campus’ – IOTW Report

Stanford: Muslim student leader threatens to ‘physically fight Zionists on campus’

College Fix: Anger and debate has erupted among Stanford University students after one of their peers, a former student government member and incoming Resident Assistant, posted on his Facebook page that he would “physically fight Zionists on campus.”

“I’m gonna physically fight Zionists on campus next year if someone comes at me with their ‘Israel is democracy bullshit’ :),” student Hamzeh Daoud, a self-described Muslim and third-generation Palestinian refugee, wrote Friday on his Facebook page.  more

11 Comments on Stanford: Muslim student leader threatens to ‘physically fight Zionists on campus’

  1. There is no way this twerp is qualified to be a Resident Assistant. I am all for freedom of opinion and expression, but the University does not have to endorse it by employing him, or putting him in a position of influence with other students.


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