Star Trek’s Original, James Doohan’s Day At Normandy – IOTW Report

Star Trek’s Original, James Doohan’s Day At Normandy

In his iconic role on Star Trek as “Scotty,” James Doohan inspired a whole generation of real-life aeronautical engineers. But many of those who idolize him don’t even know about his real-world heroic exploits as one of the 14,000 Canadian soldiers who landed on the shores of Normandy during World War II.

Indeed, the sci-fi actor has a war story almost stranger than fiction, and one that lands him the title of “craziest pilot in the Canadian Air Forces.” More

21 Comments on Star Trek’s Original, James Doohan’s Day At Normandy

  1. There is a reason Scotty’s right hand was never visible on Star Trek. He was hiding the finger that had the tip shot off in Normandy. Yeah? I’m a Trekkie! So sue me!

  2. Poor guy actually died of senile dementia. It’s a truly shitty disease. It hurts the victim AND their family.

    Doohan also had a bit part on Magnum PI. He played the role of Archie MacPherson, reprising his Manky Scots Git brogue.

  3. ‘Scotty’ was an Aberdeen rat pub crawler.

    Not sure ’bout James D?

    I did read he was REAL deal.

    Now we know why he was so comfortable on the Enterprise being a freakin’ pilot.

  4. Youngest of Ten, sincere belated condolences about 3 of 5,,,
    Who am I kidding? She was the best short bus rider we had,,
    Snotty was the real deal, drunken nasty Scottish gutter troll..
    But amazingly brilliant in 60’s TV,,,
    Fist bump and regards,,

  5. . His father worked as a pharmacist, dentist, and veterinarian, but was also a severe alcoholic who made life very difficult for his family.

    Here’s the real Hero…Now that’s a Pedigree.

  6. Canada had about 45,000 deaths of servicemen during WWII. With about 10% of the population of the US, which had 405,000 deaths in the war, it’s proportionally about right. Two uncles of mine were among the KIAs.

    New Zealand had a proportionally high death rate compared to the other allies, excluding Russia. I do not know if that is a measure of bravery, ineffective equipment, bad leadership, or what. I believe the NZ troops were as good as any other allied troops. Their leadership floundered a bit during the German invasion of Crete.

  7. Who knew.
    What a great story and life he lead.
    You just never know who you are talking to or watching.
    Sulu,who knew,no wonder he never got the girl.

  8. Redford: “Alright men, lets get to those boats!”

    Soldier one: “These are collapsible boats!”

    Redford: “What idiot came up with this idea!?”

    Claven: “Ahhh, you know there, Redford, actually it was your basic Roman centurion that first used the collapsible boat during Caesars invasion of Britain back in 1175….”

  9. Wait a minute. This guy is in every movie ever made….playing himself. Big ass mustache and everything. The hell did he pull that off? He’s in fuggin’ Ghandi for Shivas sake. AND he’s in Empire Strikes Back.

    Reds, Superman, Outland with Sean Connery….who was also in a Bridge Too Far… HE’S IN FIREFOX FOR CRAPS SAKE.

    Every, Single. Role. He has the stache and the Claventude.

    Dude probably sat at D.W. Griffiths elbow during Birth of a Nation filming to discuss Confederate cavalry tactics.


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