Starbucks Suffers Downturn After Trying To Buck Trump – IOTW Report

Starbucks Suffers Downturn After Trying To Buck Trump

Business Insider-

Starbucks is having a rough start to 2017, as the chain struggles to attract customers to stores.

The coffee giant accounted for 11% of US restaurant foot traffic in February, down from 12% in January, according to data from the research firm xAd, which was first reported by Bloomberg.

An xAd spokesperson told Business Insider that it is difficult to pinpoint a specific factor that drove the change. However, Starbucks has recently been facing both operational issues and brand reputation challenges.

The company also faced backlash after CEO Howard Schultz announced plans to hire 10,000 refugees worldwide in the next five years in response to Donald Trump’s executive order intended to prevent refugees from entering the US.


ht/ the big owe

16 Comments on Starbucks Suffers Downturn After Trying To Buck Trump

  1. At 5 bucks a cup for a year, you could buy a reverse osmosis filter, a lower end model coffee maker of what they actually use in Starbucks that grinds your beans and everything, plus a hearty supply of beans. The damn cups though, if you want disposable it really increases the cost. If you can stand to use a mug the budget will allow for another 3 months of beans. Year two, the beans is your only expense and a change of water filters. By comparison, you can now afford the most expensive coffee in the world, kopi luwak, at least one pound per year at the most expensive $600/lb, and still have enough regular beans for you AND your friends.

    The more you know.

  2. It’s been years, but a Latte sounded good yesterday so I went in and the place looked more like a freak show than a coffee shop. A Tranny was interviewing a beautiful young girl to be a Barista, and the patrons were either young or trying to look trendy. To add insult to injury the drink needed more fluid and less foam, and that experience cost 4 and a half bucks.
    Shoot for a star and end up buck naked I suppose.

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