Stars and Stripes – IOTW Report

Stars and Stripes

0 Happy Flag Day0

Flag Day – June 14th

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5 Comments on Stars and Stripes

  1. Made my day! I love the flag! By the way, slightly off topic, but did anyone see the US men’s soccer team play Paraguay yesterday? The men in my family were watching, and when I first walked into the living room and looked at the tv, I could not tell which team was from the US. In fact, at first, I thought Paraguay — with its broad red and white striped jerseys — was the US team. The uniform of the US men’s team in no way reflects our nation’s red, white and blue colors. Their uniforms are just sort of random, non-descript, not reflective of our flag. I’m sure that is on purpose, because imperialism! But, what a shame. No visible indication of national pride.

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