State Dept Can’t Stop Lying – IOTW Report

State Dept Can’t Stop Lying

John kerry

About Last Minute Cave To Demand Of Lifting Iran Arms Embargo.

The talking points the State Department has been they’ve been using for the past few days is the arms embargo was designed to bring Iran to the negotiating table, so that once the Iranians accepted negotiations all the administration could do was delay the inevitable. Interesting argument, however it’s is a lie er…misstatement of the truth. At one point they even claimed the lifting of the restrictions were a victory because they delayed the lifting of the arms embargo by five years and the missile embargo by eight years. [TheLid]

15 Comments on State Dept Can’t Stop Lying

  1. The entire process was a lie – from start to finish. We gain absolutely NOTHING from giving up ANYTHING to Iran.

    America simply doesn’t NEED Iran – or Iran’s oil.

    This whole traitorous giveaway was some kind of sop to Valerie Jarrett and her Iranian connections, and, of course, to aid and assist ISIS and the Caliphate.

    This will NOT engender stability, peace, amity, or cooperation in the Middle East, nor will it gain us any tangible advantage. We will experience an increase in the barbarous violence of ISIS and an expansion of their jihad against the Jews, Kurds, and Christians.

    Which, of course, is the real intention of the entire charade.

  2. They all know that if they ever told the truth it would be such a shock to their system that they would go into immediate cardiac arrest (but then again, because they have such mean little hearts
    it wouldn’t cause much damage)!.

  3. Theresa Heinz Kerry supposedly speaks 4 languages fluently and is highly intellectual. I’d say John married up. He’s got to be the room temp IQ in their house. Love the way Levin calls him Mashed Potato Face.

  4. John Kerry is a traitor and one of the biggest assholes to ever walk the earth. He has never dated anyone worth less than 100 million dollars. His interest is in himself, just like his jug eared boss.
    I would love to go head to head with this asshole. All I would have to say, is “You’re full of shit and a rich woman’s money”.
    Game over.

  5. “The talking points the State Department has been they’ve been using for the past few days is the arms embargo was designed to bring Iran to the negotiating table…”

    Anybody want to clean up that tortured syntax? I’ll proof read for free, just email me.

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