States with Abortion Bans Report Increase in Births – IOTW Report

States with Abortion Bans Report Increase in Births

Daily Wire

About 32,000 more babies were born per year due to state abortion bans enacted since Roe v. Wade was overturned, according to an analysis published Friday by the Institute of Labor Economics. Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide, was overturned in June last year. More

Happy Birthdays little babies. – Dr. Tar

5 Comments on States with Abortion Bans Report Increase in Births

  1. This is an indication of why the Luciferians hate limits on abortion.

    It’s not only the blood sacrifice but also the political goal to keep birth rates under death rates, especially for whites.

    The Great Replacement and Climate hoax are critical goals fir the Satanic Marxists…

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