Statistics Are Not Racist – IOTW Report

Statistics Are Not Racist

PJ Media-

The murder of Kate Steinle in California highlighted the fact that we have a serious criminal illegal alien problem in this country. Many of these individuals, after breaking the law to enter the country, go on to commit other crimes — theft, rape, and even murder. David Olen Cross released a December 2017 report based on Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) data, announcing that there are “973 foreign nationals (criminal aliens) incarcerated in the state’s prison system.”

Oregon has 14,739 inmates incarcerated in its 14 prisons scattered across the state. “Approximately one in every fifteen prisoners incarcerated by the state was a criminal alien, 6.60 percent of the total prison population,” the report said.

According to Cross, all of the 973 illegal aliens currently in the state’s prisons were identified by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Anytime that happens, DOC officials will place an “ICE detainer” on the inmate. “After the inmate completes his/her state sanction, prison officials will transfer custody of the inmate to ICE,” he said.

Marion County, home to Salem, the state capital, houses the most illegal alien inmates with 235 — nearly one-fourth of the prison population. Washington County (Hillsboro) and Multnomah County (Portland, a sanctuary city) each have around 200 illegals — around 20 percent of the prison population in those counties.

An astounding 476 — 48.92 percent — of the criminal alien prisoners in Oregon have been convicted of committing crimes of a sexual nature, with 200 cases of sex abuse, 175 cases of rape, and 101 cases of sodomy. In fact, detainees with ICE detainers make up 39.32 percent of the state’s incarcerated sex offenders. A total of 136 of the state’s criminal alien inmates are in custody because they murdered someone. Drugs, assault, robbery, kidnapping, burglary, theft and driving offenses round out the top ten list of crimes committed.

The criminal aliens in Oregon prisons come predominantly from South and Central America as well as Cuba. Nearly 80 percent, 777, came from Mexico. The next highest country of origin is Guatemala with 19 inmates.


Trump said Mexico is sending us their rapist. IS HE WRONG?????

ht/ christian pdx

11 Comments on Statistics Are Not Racist

  1. I’ll bet that not all of these criminal illegal aliens are bachelors. Oregon’s taxpayers are probably supporting a lot of anchor babies that will become grateful Democrats.

  2. “Statistics don’t lie.
    But Liars do Statistics.”

    If there were only ONE illegal-alien invading rat-person in this country countenanced by our government, it would be ONE too many.
    Those who encourage and allow (deliberately, or otherwise) illegal-alien invaders are undermining our Republic. Why this issue is not put under the heading of “Treason” is beyond comprehension. They, by their very existence here, and the way the gov’t (at all levels) turns a blind eye to their parasitism and criminalities, corrupts civil society.

    We had a guy at work from El Salvador who was exempt from taxes for 5 years after his entry into the US. The other guys in the shop, rather than being pissed, were jealous. It makes a mockery of citizenship. It corrodes respect for law.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Trump never, ever said that all illegal aliens were rapists and thieves. But the Leftist propagandists insist that he did. It’s their only hope – that idiot voters will believe them instead of the truth.

    “I can see Russia from my house!”

  4. Why not do a deal with the Mexican, Guatemalan, Cuban etc governments to have the illegals finish their sentences in prisons in their own countries? Offer them a fifth of what it costs to keep them in a US prison and I suspect they’ll jump at it. Then take all the illegals from the prisons and sort them into two groups. The ones that committed a relatively minor crime which will be deported free and the others that will be deported into prison and which the US will pay an annual fee. In the long run it would be cheaper and less dangerous then keeping them in American prisons. If people complain that justice isn’t being served then I have five words for them, “life in a Mexican prison”.

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