Stay away from posting your personal life on social media – IOTW Report

Stay away from posting your personal life on social media

Mom who disciplined her ‘badly behaved’ teens by shooting their iPhones in a viral video, has kids seized from her home by social services after blowing up their BEDS

7 Comments on Stay away from posting your personal life on social media

  1. Wait a sec-she bemoans her kids’ overuse of their cell phones, which no doubt she is paying for, and social media.

    Then she goes nutty with a weapon, films it, goes nutty with fire & explosives and films that and then posts it on youtube????

    Why not just stop paying for them? Too sensible?

    I am so glad my daughter had the growing up part of her life without FB and cell phones. Last time we went out for dinner a few years back, she had her nose buried in the damn phone(she was 31) I can only imagine how frustrating it must be now with teenagers.

  2. My kid pissed his mattress, I threw it away. He slept without a mattress for 2 weeks. I bet the garbage company had it shred real good, they might have even lit it on fire. What’s the difference? Oh snap, I better shut up someone will be looking for me, surely.

  3. No kidding about keeping your personal life off Facebook.

    A few years ago I was working in a child support coutroom where a respondent father testified under oath that he was making $8.00 an hour.

    When the mother testified she submitted a recent FB post from the dad bragging that his new job paid $14.00 an hour.

    Guess which figure the magistrate used to calculate the order of support?


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