Stepping In It – IOTW Report

Stepping In It

Baltimore Sun Times

[microbiologist Charles P.] Gerba swabbed for bacteria on 26 shoes worn by test subjects for three months or more. He cultured the samples and identified nine microbial species that can cause intestinal, urinary, eye, lung, blood and wound infections.

Coliform bacteria – originating in fecal matter – were found on the outside of all but one of the shoes, and the samples averaged 421,000 bacterial units per square centimeter sampled. (Each unit is enough bacteria to reproduce and grow a new colony.) Seven of the shoes had picked up Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.

The insides of the shoes were much cleaner, averaging 11,000 bacterial units per square centimeter. He found no coliform bacteria inside the shoes.

“Public restrooms have got a lot of fecal bacteria on the floor,” Gerba said. And they’re shared by more people than ever before as our society becomes more mobile. More

21 Comments on Stepping In It

  1. Visited one of the biggest hospitals in Ohio a few days ago and I tried using the visitors bathroom on the cardiac floor. It was a pig sty where the Muslim visitors (men) washed their penis with plastic pop and water bottles. Couldn’t get past the door way when I saw the mess. This happens where I work also. No wonder there are so many diseases around.

  2. What doesn’t kill ya makes you stronger. But those that take off shoes at door let dogs walk in without cleaning their feet. 70yo never taken shoes off in my house neither did parents. Never sick. Kids take shoes off at their house always sick.

  3. Wondering if any hippies are going barefoot in these places.

    Try using a UV flashlight in your home and see what you can’t see otherwise. Your home might not be as clean as you think.

    I have one and sometimes use it to see if something has been visiting a customer. Dried urine will show up. Many types of mold and fungus will too.

    Using a UV flashlight should be a camping must-have in the southwest. Scorpions glow very nicely.

  4. Starting to become a practice to collect DNA swabs from all those incarcerated. Wished the same would happen when politicians are ‘sworn’ in,,,
    Flip-Flops and E-Coli (Coliform bacteria)?
    F’that, let’s get done on some real shit.

  5. so, the conclusion to the study … Arizona is a filthy place, huh? … but it’s still ok to bite your toenails

    just think how bad those shoes would be if they were worn in San Francisco

  6. Can we collect all that poop, put it in brown paper bags and light it on fire on the doorsteps of liberal politicians and journalists, hollyweird, academia etc., ring their door bells and run like hell laughing all the way. Of course we may have to wear masks as well to disguise our identities just like Antifa does. Or better yet put trebuchets in the back of big ass pickup trucks full of rednecks and fling flaming poop at them.

  7. This is why everyone in Alaska (except those weirdos in Juneau, who also seemed to have trouble with the concept of securing the f***ing garbage cans) removes their mukluks (technically “boots,” but in context it means whatever outwear is on your feet) before going inside – even cable guys and the like either take shoes off or have elastic thingies they put over their shoes. People also tend to be prepared and often carry around an extra pair of peds (even grownups without children).

    And, no, we aren’t morons, we clean pets’ feet off as well.

    Also: no purses and backpacks on tables.

    Apart from that, I grew up with a Scottish mother who always said it was bad luck to put shoes on a table (which is super weird, anyway, why would anyone do that? — so disgusting). To this day they still say that in Scotland.

  8. @grool, I often wondered about men’s bathrooms, if they were as awful as some women’s rooms I’ve seen, or if as many men don’t bother washing their hands as I’ve seen so many women doing.

    I’ve seen so many women walk out of a bathroom, after **using* * the bathroom, without washing their hands it made me never want to shake hands again.

    So disgusting.

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