Still a Better Pitch Than Obama – IOTW Report

Still a Better Pitch Than Obama

Actually, maybe they shouldn’t have booked this one.

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ht/ JC Lady

15 Comments on Still a Better Pitch Than Obama

  1. It’s like I tell my kids. It took one term of a Bush and two of a Clinton to kill what Reagan achieved. This guys is a hero for his WWII service. He was an extremely weak president. Sad to see him grow old.

  2. Read my lips, no new taxes!
    That hypocrisy made my suddenly stupid parents (and many others) vote for the little twerp Ross Perot.
    The rapist in chief won and I wept that night.
    I still hate to this day Fleetwood Mac’s Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.
    Eight FREAKING YEARS and we’re still not rid of the Clinton Plague.
    Eight FREAKING YEARS of fundamentally transforming America and we’re still not rid of this Marxist homo.

    What do you guys think? can we recover from this??

  3. Exactly, and one of the last things Clinton did at the end of 8 years was sign the Most Favorid Trade Agreement with China for his buddy Sam Walton. The root of our economic woes today. Read my lips had a lasting impact.

  4. What do you guys think? can we recover from this?

    One guy can get us back on top. Trump. Let him renegotiate those trade deals and build a wall. If that’s all he does, it’s a big win for America

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