Still crazy after all these years – IOTW Report

Still crazy after all these years

American Thinker: Obama goes crazy on the campaign trail.

Is there anything more pathetic than an ex-president, who ought to be writing his memoirs and establishing a genuine presidential library for the study of his administration, is instead campaigning at a midterm like he’s still running for president?

Well, here he is, President Obama, making a fool of himself.

As Drudge Report notes, citing American Mirror, his voice is actually cracking.

Which I suppose happens when you campaign too much before half-empty stadiums and union halls.

The man’s time has passed, yet it’s obvious he’s desperate to still stay relevant, so now he’s sounding crazy.  more here

h/t Really Enraged.

26 Comments on Still crazy after all these years

  1. Trump has eviscerated this piece of shit. Roll back to that Press Corp dinner. He was fxcked right then and there. I’d bet money he’s snorting coke again. Don’t fuck with the Bull, you might get the horn.

  2. The only thing the
    Lord God O’Bama
    had going for him
    was that he was
    semi-black and ergo incriticizable
    and that he could be sharp talking as long as a
    teleprompter was in front of him.

    Hilariously, that’s all he ever had
    going for him.

    Now, trying to change his failures into success
    he reveals his true idiotic self

    The msm won’t tell you this

    It’s there for everyone to see.

  3. so sad to see a man so enamored w/ himself that he sees his entire life’s bullcrap full of ‘work’ crumble, uselessly before his very eyes

    …. NOT!!!!! ………………. suck it, you homo commimarxist

    schadenfreude … what a wonderful word … & feeling

  4. The emperor’s new clothes are revealing more each day, one article at a time. Trump’s is slowly calling out each piece individually. The emperor is beginning to realize he will soon be left with nothing but his underwear, then soon nothing.

  5. He as crazy as a sh!t house rat but not as smart.

    “Is there anything more pathetic than an ex-president, who ought to be writing his memoirs…”

    “Is there anything more pathetic than an ex-president, who ought to have Bill Aryers writing his memoirs…”

    There, fixed it for ya.

  6. Hey Barry, who cares what you think?! You’re Preezy no more!

    Elections matter, and your tail protection, Shitlerey, she LOST.

    Prepare for the coming prosecutions. Your ass is grass. And not the kind you smoke so often.

  7. @James NOVEMBER 4, 2018 AT 11:13 PM
    “I thought former presidents were supposed to stay out of the spotlight?

    Say what you want about Bush but at least he knew when to go away.”

    Bush’s problem is he just didn’t know when to STAY away.

  8. Smoking crack cocaine on a regular basis, over time, destroys your brain and your health. Ex-Dictator Obama is exhibiting all these symptoms after a life time of regular drug abuse. Fun to watch.

  9. We still do NOT know who
    he actually is ??? or his real
    name ??? or where he was actually born ???
    Nobody Knows ??? and probably never will ???

  10. he and hillary are running from the hit men
    they are staying in front of the camera in fear for their lives

    i believe they are running scared
    hillary was supposed to win

    she did not,so the one world order crowd that obama and hillary work for,are after them

    may obama and hillary be caught in a dark alley and the illuminati/one world order crowd’s hit man take them down

  11. “Say what you want about Bush but at least he knew when to go away.”

    mmmm … Bush was on-site giving Trump his Skul’n’Bones ‘cut throat’ sign at one of the debates

    And he kept his little printable quotes and soundbite feet in it all along.

  12. Barry’s Marxist grandstanding and sabotage of the greatest nation on Earth – The United States of America, has only earned him a “Look at Me” sign on his chest and a “Kick Me” sign on his back.
    His “legacy” be damned!


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