Still want to be a police officer? – IOTW Report

Still want to be a police officer?

Police were responding to a call that a car was left on busy road with its door open and the music blasting. When they arrived a guy was wandering around with no shirt and no shoes, babbling about how he had to get home.

As much as the left thinks that the police ought to simply walk away from such a scene, reasonable and civil folk think that this is exactly the kind of thing they pay tax dollars to clear up.

When the police tried to take the man into custody he grew violent, at one point latching onto the ankle of a female officer with his teeth, like a dog.

At that point the police starting hitting him with batons to get the feral flotsam to release his bite.

All six officers came under review for “excessive force.”

The verdict was that they were within their rights to do what they did, but this is the kind of stress the police are under. Their livelihoods go on the line whenever they suit up and have to interact with the dregs of society.



22 Comments on Still want to be a police officer?

  1. The is a general lawlessness that is now pervasive in our society. There is little regard for law and order and there is also a sense of entitlement of those who commit crime (if they represent a certain cultural Marxist threshold).

    Looking at the news, we see a society in which the Left wants to reduce the effectiveness of law enforcement officers, and in some cases is looking to abolish them outright, while eliminating and reducing the penalties for crimes because it is deemed unfair to the groups who commit such acts.

    Bit by bit we are approaching the point….But as the days of Noah were…..

  2. It’s time for Chris Rock to update his do’s and don’ts to avoid getting your ass kicked.

    * don’t bit the LEO- your ass kicking just went up by double
    * If you must do bath salts do it in a private secluded place so you don’t bite someone face off or find yourself babbling in the middle of the street
    *lunging for a cops gun after being stopped for suspicion of strong arm robber
    *shouting “don’t taze me bro”
    *telling a LEO that you have a concealed gun and then making a sudden movement (while there is a strong smell of pot in the car and while the LEO is telling you to “don’t move”)- that one go directly to the morgue. Do not get your ass kicked, do not get to talk to your lawyer or public defender- just collect your Darwin award at the morgue.

  3. Lazlo’s cop buddy says: “Never fight a crazy person, that’s a good wat to get bitten”
    Right on the money.
    Officer Lazlo would be known as ‘Bean Bag’ for all the shotgun beanbag takedowns.

  4. ChristianPDX

    What’s the deal with Oregon? I have a Cali, and AZ. My daughter and her family live right on the border so an Oregon permit would be handy. I don’t see where they issue non resident.

  5. @Brad

    You just need to contact the county sheriff for Curry, Josephine, Jackson or Klamath counties and fill out the paper work. I did mine in 1996, so I don’t know what the current requirement for training is, but if you live in WA state, they will issue you an OR permit (so I am sure that they will do the same for ID, CA and NV).

    Oregon is a pain because they have no reciprocity with anyone else.

  6. And what’s with the smacking on the back going to do? Crack down on his skull; if he passes out, at least he stops biting.

    Of course, I shouldn’t judge; not a cop or in that situation.

  7. Brad

    Non-Resident License

    Only residents of states that border Oregon can apply for a non-resident handgun license. You can apply at any sheriffs office in Oregon however the license is issued on a “May Issue” basis.

    It is left to the discretion of the sheriff if a license will be issued and some sheriffs are requiring the applicant to supply two references. There are some sheriffs who will not issue to non-residents.

    Residents of the following states may apply for an Oregon handgun license; Calif, Idaho, Nevada, Washington.


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