Stop Being Mean To China – IOTW Report

Stop Being Mean To China

Summit News: Experts now say open borders and fears over “racism” crippled the response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Yet the media is STILL obsessed with Trump calling it the “Chinese virus.”

Can we forget about racism for just 5 minutes and fight the actual f*cking pandemic?

19 Comments on Stop Being Mean To China

  1. Self-loathing, guilt-ravaged liberals are going to be the death of this country.

    I hate the media for giving them a platform to spread their perverted view of life and society.

  2. They’re watching their little lefty pet projects crash and burn because of this CHINESE virus so they’re lashing and gnashing out to save what little power they have left and their causes.

  3. China became a superpower because of the likes of greedy politicians like the Clintons. They would be more then happy to spread their version of communism throughout the world, and these whiny coddled liberal turds will keep crying until the Communist boot is on the back of their heads.

  4. Open borders and fears over “racism” ENABLED the spread of coronavirus.
    Imports from third-world shitholes just spread the filth.

    Thanks for nothing, enablers.

    P.S. Refugees, my ass.

  5. My life hasn’t changed one bit. I still go out, still work around the house, still prepare 3 meals a day, still spend time with family. In fact, it has only strengthened my activities. I’ve worked hard to build my independence. I look at all this through a realistic lense and don’t choose sides. It is what it is and nothing I do or say will change a damn thing. If things get much worse, that might change, but for now everything is secure.

    It pisses off not only liberals but also a fair number of so called conservatives I’ve discovered.

  6. Please tell me again exactly why it is that we’re supposed to believe that the Chinese government did NOT want this to happen? The history of communist governments certainly indicates that a few thousand or a few million dead people are nothing in pursuit of ideological goals – particularly when millions are ill fed and living in poverty anyway


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