Stop Motion Fun With the Wife – IOTW Report

Stop Motion Fun With the Wife

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

26 Comments on Stop Motion Fun With the Wife

  1. A lot of work, but well worth the effort.
    Makes you appreciate all the work that Tim Burton puts into each of his claymation stop motion movies.

  2. As a military brat my schooling was a nightmare of constant fights as the new guy, being Injun didn’t help. Anyhow my best memory was a stop motion film I produced in Film Class in middleschool.

    We did a 8mm film of us sliding on our collective asses down the hallways pretending to be in Formula 1.

    Took us weeks but when the motion was applied it was pure magic. We even rolled over the Principal.

    This reminds me of that painstaking movie. A lot of work but a glorious outcome.

    Ironically if I hadn’t done all that survival fighting I may have gone to Hollywood.

    Alas I became a Soldier instead. Funny how life is.


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