Store Owner Faces Felony Charges After Shooting At Fleeing Beer Thieves – IOTW Report

Store Owner Faces Felony Charges After Shooting At Fleeing Beer Thieves

USA –-( WPMI-TV Local 15 News in Mobile, Alabama reported 11-29-2016 an incident at 7 p.m., on Thanksgiving Day. A suspect entered the One Stop Food Mart and attempted to steal some beer. That was successful and he ran to a waiting get-a-way car.

Mobile Police reported that the 43-year-old owner of the convenience store shot at the alleged thieves as they were driving out of his parking lot.

Police noted suspected thieves did not have weapons and they were in a car attempting to leave the store when the owner fired multiple shots. The 21 year old driver of the car was shot in the shoulder by the gunfire.

He wasn’t the one that actually went inside the store to steal the beer.  MORE

11 Comments on Store Owner Faces Felony Charges After Shooting At Fleeing Beer Thieves

  1. I’m 2A all the way, but any danger to the guy was over.

    Some dumb commentators on TV would ask, ‘Well, why didn’t he just shoot the six-pack out of the guy’s hand?’

  2. Only the police are allowed to shoot fleeing criminals……

    and those criminals have to have committed a felony…..

    with an immediate endangerment to the public with limited chances of identification…..if memory serves me right.

  3. Here’s where I kind of agree on more gun laws, dumb asses that shoot at beer thieves. What are we talking, $15? Sure it’s not the value but the act. Gholly, I wish we could outlaw stupidity, we’d eliminate all the liberals and this goof.

  4. even steven DECEMBER 30, 2016 AT 12:49 AM
    I like the idea of shooting thieves who are fleeing with a portion of one’s livelihood. It should be legal.


  5. So you come home and see a van backed up to your garage with several guys loading your belongings into it. They see you and split.

    Oh well? Call the police and hope?

    I believe here in Texas you have the right to use deadly force to protect your property. Oh MM it’s just not right to kill someone for stealing your TV.

    I say it’s not right to get to adulthood believing you can steal without consequences. Oh it’s only $15 worth of beer. That is exactly the same bullshit you hear from some thug’s mother when her little angel is killed-“they didn’t have to kill him for just__________” or “he was just trying to get some money for food for his children”

    Don’t do the crime.

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