Stormy Daniels Description of Man Who Threatened Her in 2011 Faces Online Ridicule – IOTW Report

Stormy Daniels Description of Man Who Threatened Her in 2011 Faces Online Ridicule

Most people are saying the police sketch she collaborated to create with her recollections looks like Tom Brady.

I’m not seeing it.

I think it looks like Mike Piazza had a baby with Willem Dafoe.

But, of course, we know who it really is.

The dumb bint was describing her ex- Glendon Crain.

Did she not think anyone would notice?


36 Comments on Stormy Daniels Description of Man Who Threatened Her in 2011 Faces Online Ridicule

  1. Well now, if he had exposed himself when he was threatening her in 2011, this would be very easy for Stormy to remember. She purportedly has total recall in that department. I know this, because her honest shyster assured us that she is prepared to identify Donald J. Trump’s manhood in open court at the proper time. James Comey will help handling the evidence. He also has total recall, unless it’s about the whole truth.

  2. If Trump had sex with this person, I have to question his judgment, and sanity.

    Anyway, I thought he was a germophobe. If it turns out to be true, it makes the pee-pee charge somewhat plausible, IMHO

  3. The little bitch that sold her fuc ass is inventing a sketch she claims that it happens 2011 if I’m mistaken. So she is a fuc dirty bitch. She will be suing the lawyer soon.and the lawyer will be suing her for not paying him. Because the bitch will not be making the money that she is counting on. So the best that she can do is to go and sell her dirty pussy.

  4. I’m still trying to figure out what DJTs supposed crime was in this whole affair. Let’s assume Ms. Daniels is telling the truth, and Trump had sex with her, then paid her to keep quiet about it; although tawdry, where is the crime??? What am i missing?

  5. I saw one photo of Steve McQueen that looks like him. But there’s a guy at the golf course that looks like him. If he shows up this year who should I call, the FBI or the local PD?
    This is all so fucking mind bogglingly fucking stupid. When we ever be able to get on with our lives?


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