Street Fightin’ Bunny Landing Rabbit Punches – IOTW Report

Street Fightin’ Bunny Landing Rabbit Punches

ht/ hot salsa

27 Comments on Street Fightin’ Bunny Landing Rabbit Punches

  1. What was the Bunny fight about? Trump?
    I’m sick of it all. The fucking bunny has taken over from the actual meaning of Easter Sunday. Christ arose from the dead. I believe it, many don’t. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to adhere to the latest description of Christians as “Easter Worshippers.” There are scumbag American politicians going along with that.
    The same crowd that are pro abortion, pro open borders, pro sanctuary cities, anti ICE, Anti Police, Anti Trump. Come winter, they will go from “Easter Worshippers” to “Christmas Observers/ Celebrants. Soon to be reduced to “XMas Observers.”
    I can’t take it any more. I just see it coming. Why does nobody give a shit? Guys I talk to just worry abouy baseball and football. WTF?
    And they go to Church every day and are personal friends with the Monsegnior and raise money for him and all. I just don’t understand!

  2. “it’s the monster of Kyle Bannor!”

    “Wot? That’s just a rabbit!”

    “Och mon, he’ll do ye a treat!”

    “stop yer gob, ye manky Scots git! Rabbit stew comin’ right up!”


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