Streisand Effect For A Couple of Children’s Book Illustrator/Authors – IOTW Report

Streisand Effect For A Couple of Children’s Book Illustrator/Authors


Social Justice Warriors have massively boosted the sales of a picture book with a hero modeled on Donald Trump after they accused the book’s part-Chinese, part-Filipino illustrator Timothy Lim and his co-authors of being “Neo-Nazis” and “white supremacists.”

Thump: the First Bundred Days tells the story of  “an unassuming, unconventional and utterly unstoppable” bunny rabbit with distinctive blond, bouffant hair called Donald J Thump.

The book was already doing pretty well thanks to praise from Dilbert creator Scott Adams who said: “Everything about this book makes me laugh.”

 But what really gave rocket boosters to its sales was when a feminist website called The Mary Sue attacked it in a round-up of what it considered to be despicable, evil, right-wing hate books.
As illustr8r said, this would make a great stocking stuffer for the proggie, or conservative, in your life.

13 Comments on Streisand Effect For A Couple of Children’s Book Illustrator/Authors

  1. And it’s many cats….I giggled on that.

    These Folks are so predictably stupid..30 years ago

    The Reverend Jackson hisseff and about 30 of the rainbow

    coalition picketed our Factory…and of course Sales of Our

    Cars went through the roof…

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