Stubborn Joe Isn’t Stepping Aside – (Just Tell Him He Ran and Won and Give Him a Burger King Crown) – IOTW Report

Stubborn Joe Isn’t Stepping Aside – (Just Tell Him He Ran and Won and Give Him a Burger King Crown)


President Biden delivered a special letter to Democrats on Capitol Hill on Monday, but his message hasn’t changed: He insists he will not drop out of the 2024 race, reports USA Today.

  • The letter: “I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump,” he wrote. Read it in full, via Politico.
  • Support crumbling: The letter comes as an increasing number of congressional Democrats have called on the president to step aside. The Hill counts five House Democrats who have gone on the record, but the number of those speaking out in private, including some top Democrats, is said to be on the rise.
  • Defiance: Biden acknowledged the concerns about his age and abilities, adding: “I can respond to all this by saying clearly and unequivocally: I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2024.”


20 Comments on Stubborn Joe Isn’t Stepping Aside – (Just Tell Him He Ran and Won and Give Him a Burger King Crown)

  1. I remember when Art Model wrapped his arm around Bernie Kosar and said: “He’s like a son to me”
    Two weeks later Art fired him.
    That’s exactly what democRATz and today’s “Media” is like with Jackass Joe!

  2. I can respond to all this by saying clearly and unequivocally: I wouldn’t be running again if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump in 2020 for Senator of Kranne. My boy Beau died so I could run, because…anyway…I dunno whasa big deal, Imas good aas I waz in 2024, so take that tp the tax pffice. Now whenni…oh, cmrte lil girl, Professor Joe wanna snif!

  3. Like Brad said the other day, Trump is the one keeping Joe in the race, and on the nerves, of Democrats, by bragging that he took Joe out of the race.

    That’s a red cape which matador Trump has waved in front of the demented old bull. In effect, Trump has yanked the strings out of puppeteer Barky’s boney, nicotine-stained fingers. But enough with the metaphors. Make him fall down again, PDT. I would say to make him shit his pants again, but that’s beyond anyone’s control.

  4. Little Cabbage Patch Muffin Top is now 40 minutes late to the WH press briefing. What does that tell you?

    I absolutely love this epic self destructive implosion of the Demonrat party. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of satanic marxist monsters…

  5. Cisco Kid, the really funny thing is that she could have quit and moved on months ago, like everyone else who had the job before her, and like she was politely requested to do. But, like her demented boss, she stubbornly refused to bow out gracefully, and now she’s stuck with the shittiest job in the White House, lying for the shittiest President ever. She deserves what she gets.

  6. FJB is gone. It’s not a matter of ‘if’. Just a matter of ‘when’ and ‘how’.

    I think Trump is doing a pretty decent job of not going overboard with excessive remarks on the subject… he’s letting them eat themselves up.

  7. Give Him a Burger King Crown…

    Given all the rainbow fairies from the Island of Misfit Toyz in the White House, shouldn’t that be a crown from Burger Queen?

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