Students At Hudson Valley Middle School Asked To Create ‘Runaway Slave’ Ad – IOTW Report

Students At Hudson Valley Middle School Asked To Create ‘Runaway Slave’ Ad


According to school officials, the assignment was related to a unit of curriculum on American slavery that asked students to create the advertisement.

The ad was intended to mimic original 19th Century ads that posted a reward, described the escaped slave, and provided contact information for the slave owner to include the southern state in which they are located. The exercise was a follow-up to an exam on slavery, the Civil War, reconstruction, and American society leading up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In a statement released on Friday after the assignment was posted on Facebook, Port Chester Schools Superintendent Edward Kliszus called the assignment “offensive and inappropriate on many levels.”


Why southern states? Does the bint teacher know that there were slaves in the north?

ht/ zilla

17 Comments on Students At Hudson Valley Middle School Asked To Create ‘Runaway Slave’ Ad

  1. “Negro lost, Last seen headed to Vegas with a Kardashian, thinks he can sing. Lighter then an Oreo, but closer to Ovaltine’s tone….answers to Kanye or little bitch…..Reward?….fity cents…or an iced tea…

  2. Late at night, when insomnia kicks in there’s a station that plays old reruns of Mannix, Cannon, etc. I swear, there was a lot less racial tension back then than now. Dems gotta keep stirring it up. That’s all they have.


  3. How about some questions on theoretical Physics pr advanced math.
    I sure there are a lot of subjects they don’t know much about. Their teacher appears to be in. the sane boat!

  4. I would help my kid write a modern-day runaway slave ad, but it would be as a Muslim man wanting his white, Christian sex-slave returned. With a London address.

  5. #4. How you think they got lost.

    In keeping faith with my fellow democrats, I whipped the snot out of that negro until he was blind and stumbled off in them woods.

    #5. Contact information


  6. REWARD: $5,000
    Name: Candace Owens
    Last Seen: On the Democrat Plantation
    How Lost: She learned to think for herself, critically and logically evaluate the world around her

  7. next assignment … make up a Klan recruiting poster …. start w/ Bobby Byrd (Hillary’s ‘mentor’) & work your way through Orville Faubus (Slick Willy’s ‘mentor’), LBJ, Bull Conner, George Wallace & the rest of the demonRats

  8. We have lots of the newer modern “TAX SLAVEs” owned by the Government. They are allowed to run around semi-free and the taxes are extracted via-payroll weekly deductions auto-magically. They even sometimes get a FEW dollars of their own back as a reward from the government owners who somehow find ways to spend more than they collect year after year anyway. They (TAX SLAVES) seem to have adjusted over the years to their hopeless plight, but many still foolishly ask ” will the TAX SLAVES ever be be freed”?


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