Students at San Diego State University held a “Sh*t-In” in protest of non-gender inclusive bathrooms – IOTW Report

Students at San Diego State University held a “Sh*t-In” in protest of non-gender inclusive bathrooms

San Diego, which, of course, in German means, “a vagina wails.”


From the looks of this I’ve been doing it wrong for a goodly number of years.

ht/ mary from marin

17 Comments on Students at San Diego State University held a “Sh*t-In” in protest of non-gender inclusive bathrooms

  1. Somewhere in that photo is at least one future member of the Malia Obama administration. This gig will look great on the resume and will in fact be what gets the pooper the job.

    Can’t we please sprinkle a little Ebola around these libtard arts colleges?

  2. I hope mom and dad are proud of ya.
    Depravity dictates that they have to ramp it up one more notch to take this to the next level by wearing the toilet on their empty head to protest something or other, have at it.
    This is the best they got until the next R takes the Whitehut.
    Complete waste of money sending your kids to college for the most part, you won’t even recognize them at some point.
    But go ahead and flush it down if you must, so to speak…

  3. A couple of weeks ago I took a traing class at work on transgender clients.

    The bathroom thing is just the tip of a long list of whiny-assed demands. The transgendered want to be able to have their gender marker of choice on official documents, and to be able to be known by their name of choice (without, apparently, going to court for a legal name change). The need their own shelters because the “binary gender construct” makes either male or female shelters “not safe places.” And Medicaid should fund their hormone therapy, surgery, prostheses……

  4. If gender identification disorder is an actual disease, then allowing the victim to embrace the new gender the disease tells them to is the equivalent of telling a schizophrenic the voices in their head are real and they should do what the voices say, and the rest of society should go along, no matter who gets killed.

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