Students despise Obama policies … when credited to Trump – IOTW Report

Students despise Obama policies … when credited to Trump

Campus Reform:

  • In anticipation of the 100-day mark of Donald Trump’s presidency, Campus Reform asked students at George Mason University to evaluate some of the president’s accomplishments.
  • The students predictably blasted things like the “Apology Tour” and stimulus package, even comparing them to Nazi policies, at least until learning that they were actually accomplished during President Obama’s first 100 days.  MORE

18 Comments on Students despise Obama policies … when credited to Trump

  1. Video that I saw did not show their reaction when hearing the punchline, stupidly. My guess is it was along the lines of “Oh. Well, that’s different” and walked away.

  2. That is simply depressing to watch. These people are so uninformed yet believe that they are the smartest people in the world.

    I guess I was that way at their age. I was told to hate Nixon and I went along because it was conventional wisdom of the day.

    The idiot with the hammer and sickle shirt spouting the control the means of production rhetoric needs his ass kicked. So, you approve of the murder of millions to achieve that objective as well? He has no idea about that part of history.

  3. Commie boy doesn’t know that
    marxism killed 100,000,000 people ???
    Commie boy doesn’t know that capitalism has
    lifted more people out of poverty than any
    system bar none ???

  4. This video showed one reaction to finding out it was Obama and not Trump: “Oh, wow.” in the millennial uninterested way.

    You retard, how about showing a little bit of that passion you were just spouting when you thought it was Trump? Wouldn’t that make most people think that MAYBE they just don’t know what they are talking about and maybe should find the truth before they accept every talking point from the left?

    @grool, I think you’re right: “Oh. Well, that’s different”.

  5. The only reaction comment they showed was the two cows at the end who upon being informed that these were Obama’s actions muttered a well thought out and well reasoned “oh wow”. Then the one on the right went back to eating. I would have loved to have seen the others as they were far more animated in their kneejerk distaste of Trump.

  6. The sad thing is that very soon these numbskulls will rule the roost. And me? Well, at seventy six I still hold a part time job just to help pay my phucking school taxes.

  7. “I would have loved to have seen the others as they were far more animated in their kneejerk distaste of Trump.”

    Exactly. I have no idea why CR would go to the trouble of making this video, which they should do, but leave out the reaction shots they had to get. It’s a given that the students are generally stupid but those final reactions would show exactly how honest or dishonest they are. That’s what reveals who they really are…honest free thinkers or dishonest programmed drones.

  8. And to think that the Greatest Generation went off to war first (to fight everything these pups think is glorious) then came home to get a responsible, practical education in some field that would feed, clothe and house their families. That’s what I despair over. That’s the America we want to make great again. We need to keep fighting against the elements in our society who want to infantilize adults.

  9. TO grool

    Like Claudia said.

    My best guess as to “why” they didn’t add more “responses” in the video is that they were obscene and violent…which would have ADDED to the point they are trying to make!

  10. They were supposed to link to the full video showing these idiots reaction when they learn it was Obama’s policies they were objecting to. The link went to same video. No payoff for watching the first. SHODDY and INCOMPETENT!

  11. I love playing this game with my most left the friend.

    The silence and furrowed brow after I drop the bomb is priceless.

    Like most lefties, they are just good at repeating propaganda. Not deep thinkers at all.

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