Students Occupying University Building Demanding They All Get “A’s” On Finals – IOTW Report

Students Occupying University Building Demanding They All Get “A’s” On Finals

Fox News

Students at an elite, private university in New York City are occupying a campus building with the demand that all be given A grades. More

17 Comments on Students Occupying University Building Demanding They All Get “A’s” On Finals

  1. When I was in college bomb threats were called in to cancel mass final exams in the late 80’s early 90’s only to be rescheduled. We should have demanded all A’s too. LOL

  2. These kids have absolutely no clue that any prospective employer isn’t going to be as interested in their grades as in whether they can actually do the job, and whether they have the work ethic to actually do the job. And none of them will get jobs, and they will clamor for someone else to pay off their student loans that they can’t make payments on, and they will be miserable. But of course it will be someone else’s fault, not theirs.
    I just can’t imagine choosing that path. That’s what gets me – I see the path, the miserableness they will reap as a consequence of their actions, and I wonder why the hell they are so blind that they still want to go down it.

  3. “Students Occupying University Building Demanding They All Get “A’s” On Finals ”

    This is the residual of the “Participation Trophy” babies that haven’t been forced to figure shit out yet. They’re totally worthless. And unless someone bails them out have a very bleak drug fueled future ahead of them.

  4. Sox words: Florida International University pedestrian bridge collapse

    A degree no longer connotes competence, in fact the exact opposite. In most cases it means that someone was either of the right color or gender or identified as something preposterous or they were sufficiently wokeafied (or convincingly faked it well enough) by the time they were handed a degree.

  5. @geoff
    Yes – and those losers from the 60’s and 70’s are in charge of everything now. See where that got us? Another generational wave of stupid like this will be the end of civilization.

  6. School should have any and all accredidations pulled for even entertaining those bed wetters. Said bed wetters’ parents should be demanding refunds. But as it is ultimately their fault, perhaps the taxpayers should be demanding repayment of all public monies K-12 to attempt to school those undisciplined brats from their parents.

  7. Such actions as demanded should trigger suspension of the School’s accreditations by the regional bodies. This won’t happen, of course, because the accreditation organizations are populated by university administrators who -when challenged – will gladly disavow out-dated, systemically racist, cis-white-male so-called standards.

  8. Well, I’m all for it.
    Hand out the A-es, hand out the degrees – AA, BA, BS, MA, MS, MBA, PhD.
    Especially among “minorities” and perverts.
    Don’t even make em show up – just transfer money from the Treasury to the “Schools.”
    Every ignorant nose-picking “minority” and pervert should have a BA in Nose-Picking Gender Affirming Studies or Toxic Queer Urbanization Influence Peddling Through a Heuristic Lens of Shifting Paradigms.

    These maggots contribute nothing to society, anyway – so give em a degree and a bucket of Fentanyl.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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