Study Declares Gay Couples More at Risk from Climate Change – IOTW Report

Study Declares Gay Couples More at Risk from Climate Change

College Fix

A new study out of UCLA says same-sex couples are at greater “risk of exposure to the adverse effects of climate change” than straight couples.

These effects include “wildfires, floods, smoke-filled skies, and drought,” according to a report from KQED.

Same-sex couples disproportionately live in coastal regions and cities, which are more vulnerable to such disasters. They’re also more likely “to live in areas with poor infrastructure, worse-built environments.” More

21 Comments on Study Declares Gay Couples More at Risk from Climate Change

  1. “Same-sex couples disproportionately live in coastal regions and cities, which are more vulnerable to such disasters. They’re also more likely “to live in areas with poor infrastructure, worse-built environments.””

    Translation: Areas run by Democrats.

    □ Check this box if you need examples.

  2. Isn’t it strange that climate change effects all the protected classes the most? Minorities, gays, females etc.

    It’s good to be a heterosexual white male. I will weather thru the weather just fine, I guess.


  3. That’s funny, during black history month that man that thinks he’s a woman, Levine something of other was telling all the black peeps that climate change was responsible for slavery or something like that.

  4. Those sly UCLA grifters simply figured out a way to get paid for pointing out that GBLTs tend to live in liberal coastal cities and communities. Such a deal!

  5. Hey. I’ve got an idea. Howzabout we stop paying attention to homos and their gratifying activities?
    You want to perv out what am I to stop you?
    Leave me out of it.


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