
As if we didn’t have enough evidence to suggest the healthiest environment for a child is a home with a mother and father, a new study has also confirmed that lesbian parents will make you fat!

The study, which was conducted by D. Paul Sullins, a sociology professor at the Catholic University of America, has found children are more likely to suffer from depression if they’re raised by same-sex couples. The study also indicates those children will be more likely to feel suicidal, “imbalanced closeness,” suffer from child abuse, and experience obesity and self-esteem problems.

Sullins used information from the nonpartisan National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to track children that were raised by 20 same-sex couples over 13 years (1995 to 2008). The study found the problems with children raised in same-sex homes began to surface when those individuals reached their twenties.

The majority of the couples were lesbians, 17 out of the 20 couples studied, an already obvious indication as to why the children were at more risk of obesity. The phrase “like father like son,” comes to mind but we know that doesn’t apply here.

“At age 28, the adults raised by same-sex parents were at over twice the risk of depression as persons raised by man-woman parents,” wrote Sullins. He also found an “elevated risk associated with imbalanced closeness and parental child abuse in family of origin; depression, suicidality, and anxiety at age 15; and stigma and obesity” in the children raised by same-sex couples.  read more


  1. TO Rat Fink

    LEGAL GUARDIAN is the proper term, I believe.
    Agreed, NO WAY they’re parents.

    More Leftist framing the issue with language abuse,
    like “undocumented immigrant.”

  2. Ha! That Milo site is miiiighty *sensitive* (so much for “dangerous”).
    They deleted my comment (similar to above) about “legal guardian” vs “parent.”

  3. James Woods recently tweeted to some gay couple raising their adoptee 5 year old boy as a “transgender girl “:
    ‘When he grows up and realizes just half of what you did to him, he’s going to dismember you both and stuff you in a freezer’.

  4. BB — Uh, I don’t think that’s the reason. Think about it. Two women (regardless of what they think themselves to be), both take the mother role. What do moms do best? “Are you hungry? Have you had lunch? What do you want for dinner? Oh, that’s not enough for a growing child! How can you play a soccer game on an empty stomach? Here, have some more. Make sure you take a snack in case you get hungry.”

    It’s the same the world over. Women who are moms make sure the world eats!

  5. AA
    Not so with the only lezzie pair I knew.
    One was *definitely* the “male” and she imitated alot of the usual characteristics…none of the “motherly” stuff from her.

  6. The few I’ve known of (can’t say I’ve known them) seem to be quite angry, aggressive, usually unemployed, mad-at-the-world and probably themselves. Once again they are dysfunctional with a raft of other issues that drives them to the company of others as dysfunctional as themselves.

  7. ^^^^

    I guess I don’t know any lesbians. Yeah, now that I think of it. That’s way too sad for a child to grow up in such an abnormal environment.

    BB — Yeah, I’m going, Hey, I don’t think that’s why women store fat differently than men…” Like all serious and stuff. LOL! You got me.

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