Study: Only 18 Per Cent of Germans Think They Are Free to Express Their Opinions in Public – IOTW Report

Study: Only 18 Per Cent of Germans Think They Are Free to Express Their Opinions in Public

Summit News:

The poor state of free speech in Europe has been highlighted once again by a poll which found that just 18 per cent of Germans felt they were free to express themselves in public.

The survey, conducted by the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy and published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, asked Germans a series of questions to determine how taboo openly expressing forthright opinions had become.

59 per cent of respondents out of the 1283 sample said they felt comfortable expressing themselves freely amongst friends, but only 18 per cent felt comparable freedom voicing their views in public.

In addition, just 17 per cent said they were comfortable expressing themselves freely on the Internet while a full 35 per cent said that freedom of speech is only possible in private circles.

The most taboo subjects are Islam and refugees, according to respondents, 41 per cent of whom said political correctness had gone too far.

16 Comments on Study: Only 18 Per Cent of Germans Think They Are Free to Express Their Opinions in Public

  1. I often wonder just what life would be like if liberals were able to get every law passed they wanted. What would the society be like living in?
    Present day Germany gives us a glimpse.

  2. I don’t feel free to openly express my beliefs and opinions in public here in America.

    But maybe I’m unique, I wonder if anyone else feels the same.

  3. “…just 18 per cent of Germans felt they were free to express themselves in public.”

    …suggesting the Germans learned NOTHING from WWII…

  4. “I don’t feel free to openly express my beliefs and opinions in public here in America.”

    I can write “Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die” – and direct it at anyone I choose.
    I can also write paeans to Obola, Biden, and Pelosi if I so choose.
    The media lies about our President EVERY SINGLE DAY – with impunity.
    Come to think of it, the media lie about EVERY – fuckin – THING with impunity.

    But YOU can’t? Or you “feel” you can’t?

    Why? Are the Black Helicopters flying around your house? Is your television reporting to the BATFE about your ammunition stores?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Ask how many are afraid to answer your poll.

    It’s only been a couple of years since that presser where some government lickspittle minion told a questioner from the audience that if he didn’t like refugees and Islam that he should renounce his citizenship and leave his native country.

  6. America has free speech is nothing but a cliche.

    The gov’t can’t crack down so they outsource their clamping down on speech to facebook, twitter, google and many other corporations to do it.
    And then they turn a blind eye to their little commiefag footsoldiers called antifa who go out to commit violence angainst people for saying something the left doesn’t like.

    The notion that we have free speech in this country is only believed by idiots.

  7. Geezuz, I’ll bet Louis the XVI was facing numbers like this just before the revolution. What the hell is stopping the Germans from taking to the streets and running Merkel and her gang out of the country.


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