Study Proves What We Already Knew- Lefties Are Hypocrites – IOTW Report

Study Proves What We Already Knew- Lefties Are Hypocrites

You know how we profile the way the landscape looks after a lefty rally, even ones where the  protesting is about environmental concerns? It’s always a littered mess.

Read on-


Hall and his colleagues can only speculate about the reasons for their results. But regarding the concerned but inactive, the psychological phenomenon known as moral licensing is a likely culprit.

Previous research has found doing something altruistic—even buying organic foods—gives us license to engage in selfish activity. We’ve “earned” points in our own mind. So if you’ve pledged some money to Greenpeace, you feel entitled to enjoying the convenience of a plastic bag.

Regarding climate change skeptics, remember that conservatism prizes individual action over collective efforts. So while they may assert disbelief in order to stave off coercive (in their view) actions by the government, many could take pride in doing what they can do on a personal basis.

Academics competing to see who can log the most air miles, Jetset hypocrites calling for “deniers” to be banned from public office, large climate conferences full of frequent fliers; the brazen climate hypocrisy of leading greens is nothing new to regular readers of WUWT.

But this study goes a step further – it is not just the leaders who are complete hypocrites. The leaders of the green movement are not duping followers with their hypocrisy, they are an expression of the top to bottom hypocrisy of their entire movement.The most vocal climate supporters are actually the people who care least about the planet – all those noisy expressions of concern are camouflage to conceal the fact they are deeply selfish people who can’t be bothered to make a personal effort to improve the world they claim to love.


ht/ Guiness Girl

The study bears out the personal observations of my douchtarded liberal brother. He was constantly proselytizing about every lefty cause, accusing others of not caring, while leading a lifestyle no different than the people he was yelling at, often worse. (He’s the one who bought a pickup truck because HE needed it. None of the other “deniers” needed one.)

It’s a psychosis, a need to feel superior because of a deep-seated inferiority complex. He’d be the type to write a blog post about the great work done by PETA combatting the evils of uncaring RIGHT-WING bastards, while wearing a Burger King crown and wiping burger grease out of his goatee… with a fist full of Northern Quilted, chugging out of a plastic bottle of Coke.

8 Comments on Study Proves What We Already Knew- Lefties Are Hypocrites

  1. Just last week I saw a loon ripping people on FB because they said they did not want to see his video links of assholes abusing cats and dogs. Even though the people the loon attacked were the type of people that adopt from shelters and foster homes, that wasn’t enough. To not watch his video links and visit certain abuse websites was the equivlent of burying your head in the sand or being the type would turn their backs and walk away if they saw the abuse live.

    “Then you are part of the problem” was an exact quote/reply when somebody said they don’t need to see a video of a dog being beaten with a baseball bat.

    But because he is spreading awareness (like wearing the freaking ribbon at Hollywood events) and gives a few dollars, he felt he had the right to put himself above everyone else. Told one lady who has been giving to the local shelter for years her efforts were pitiful. Naturally everybody ripped him a new one for his pompous and arrogant posts.

    Everyday loons like this contribute hard core evidence that liberalism is a mental disease.

  2. @listingstarboard – Story I tell from time to time. I bought a Plug-in Hybrid last year. I bought it because of my commute to work, to save money on gas. I was figuring before I bought the car, I could go 3 weeks without having to buy gas. Then when they added free charging stations at work, now that bumped it up to 6 weeks. Give or take a week depending on temperature.

    So I always love when these smug Prius owners you mention (most of them are), ask about my car and how it does, etc etc. It’s great that I am contributing to saving the planet, environment, etc. My retort is screw the planet, I did it to save on gas. With current prices I am saving about $100-110 month right now. Yeah I have a car note, but take off the gas savings and the car note is not bad.

    Then of course I get the weasel here at work who talks shit about the global warming bullshit and Republicans are going to drive us to extinction. It was quite fun telling him about the car I drive and asked him what he drove – gas guzzling SUV. Then it was, “Well, one SUV is not going to destroy the planet.”. Typical hypocrisy.

  3. We’re all carbon based life forms. Nearly every molecule of every living thing on the planet is based on carbon. Virtually every atom of carbon is drawn from the air by plants. CO2 is a TRACE gas. Carbon is the most important fertilizer there, and it exists only in TRACE amounts.

    Environmentalists save the planet? Nope, they’re pushing for mass starvation. Nasty people. They want power, and don’t care who suffers.

  4. Let’s face it, anytime there is a Leftist rally, the real reason they leave a big mess is because it’s just an excuse to party! You see a bunch of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker Liberal children wandering around in a Politically Correct marijuana smoke-screen just there to have a great time. Most of them can’t even tell you why they are there! That’s why after they leave you can’t tell if there wuz a rally or a rock concert!

  5. The moral superiority complex doesn’t come close to ending there. These two SJW Superstars cooked up a scheme to rise within the protest community and when their slaves rebelled and they did what their Democrat forefathers did, they beat and starved them into submission. Then killed them in cold blood and did so with no other feelings than it was they who had been wronged by those they had made be holding and forever in debt to them.

    We see it with the case ok Kanye West as well, if one of “their niggers” dares to be so bold as to leave the plantation they feel it is they who have been wronged and with self righteousness that only someone with a mindset of having been born booted and spurred and fit to rsaddle and ride those they look down upon and do so with no compunction. For they are so endowed, by the grace of God, to be so superior that none of the rules apply to them.

    They have no reservation in trashing whatever they feel like and show no reluctance to adopt whoever they think will serve their aim of transforming society and prey on the weak.

    Above the local social services as well as The Oregonian knew the score when it came to the Hart kids, and they not only covered it up, they were active participants in perpetuating the shtick they were using to further their cause.

    This crapping all over the landscape is far from anomalous, it is a symptom of a diseased mind that subscribes to the notion that they are superior beings, all knowing, and can do no wrong. They know no shame and have put in place institutions to inculcate that mindset in the intellectually weak and infirm. You can see in the faces of the drone like imbeciles that chant their rote bumper sticker like chants at the protest rallies they have orchestrated.

    The leaders are conniving manipulators and the rank and file are drones but one thing they have in common is blind contempt for any thing that smacks of rules of society.


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