Study Says Possible Link Between Diseases And Blood Types – IOTW Report

Study Says Possible Link Between Diseases And Blood Types

Study Finds

Researchers say specific blood types with increased risk of developing clots, such as deep vein thrombosis (DBT), and other bleeding conditions, as well as pregnancy-induced hypertension. Additionally, the research found an association between the blood types B and O and the formation of kidney stones. These findings provide fresh insight into disease predisposition according to blood type. More

17 Comments on Study Says Possible Link Between Diseases And Blood Types

  1. This reads like common garbage analysis. Someone threw a bunch of data together. Looked for correlations. Pretended like non-significant P-values mattered. And then wrote a pile of word salad with non-committal terms like “increased risk” and “correlated with”… blah blah blah.

    You know what else correlates with blood type? Ethnicity. You know what correlates with ethnicity? Diet and cultural attitudes towards physical fitness. We all know that diet and fitness can play a huge role in certain chronic disease. Blood type has fuckall to do with it.

  2. Pretty sketchy study – I tend to agree with the Mule. I have type-O and I have never had kidney stones, nor do I have a bleeding disorder.

    I’m also FJB-positive, which makes me prone to high blood pressure, and anti-socialists behavior.

  3. My father has had kidney stones all his life.
    I’ve only had one.
    I sat down on the toilet seat to pass it.
    I passed out!
    Seriously, woke up on the floor and my nose was bloody from hitting the wall.
    Not sure what causes them?
    Or prevents them?
    I’m guessing birthing people can’t get them?

  4. Also just got done wearing a heart monitor for a week. Doc says is ticking so well that John Cameron Swayze could strap it to the front of a speedboat and run it up on the beach.

  5. @ Tanggor

    I both want to laugh at what you said and then feel sorry for you.

    Never had a psychopath, but had two killers. One a legalized “choice”, and the other was from a state of paranoid-schizophrenic delusion at work with a .357.

    Currently not dating for just over 11 years since the last one. I’m good, 🙂

  6. Yes, birthing people can get kidney stones. I have had quite a few in my lifetime. For me, they didn’t seem to be nearly as painful as for my father and brother, but I don’t think it has anything to do with blood type.

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