Study Suggests The More Dudes Rock Out, The Higher Their T- Levels – IOTW Report

Study Suggests The More Dudes Rock Out, The Higher Their T- Levels

A study from Japan suggests that there’s a link between the levels of testosterone coursing through a man’s body and how much the individual enjoys hard-driving music. Lower levels of testosterone were observed in the saliva samples of those men who preferred “more sophisticated” music like classical or jazz.  More

27 Comments on Study Suggests The More Dudes Rock Out, The Higher Their T- Levels

  1. Aw, damn.
    I enjoy Classical, Romance (not to be confused with “Romantic”), Rock, Blues, Bluegrass, Jazz, and some other shit.

    Have no idea what that implies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. My music varies, depending on what’s playing on the radio. If it’s Led Zep, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, or similar, 60s acid rock, then it’s CRANK IT TO ELEVEN, BABY!
    But I also listen to classical, jazz and blues. Almost anything except Barry Manalow, hiphop, and rap.

  3. As long as people like you are here, I’m good.

    Had a few rough spots, we’ll see the next hurdle.

    I’m showing good progress on killing this shit.👍

    Fortunately caught early, the good lord blessed me with that.

    VietVet has been giving good advice👍

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