Study:1.8 million dead people registered to vote, 24 million voter registrations inaccurate or invalid – IOTW Report

Study:1.8 million dead people registered to vote, 24 million voter registrations inaccurate or invalid

PWS: A research study by Pew Research has concluded that our current voting system is far more susceptible to fraud than previously thought.

For example, there are 1.8 million dead people registered to vote. Not kidding! That, alone, when strategically placed in battleground states and precincts, is enough to swing an election.

In addition, there are a stunning 24 million voters whose registrations are inaccurate or invalid. That is one in eight registrations inaccurate or invalid!

There are 2.7 million voters registered in multiple states, some of whom vote more than once in the same election, very illegal.

Then, there are illegal immigrant voters, absentee voters, and many other voter/election irregularities that make a compromisable system even more compromisable to the point of massive fraud.

The simplest corrective remedy, in my opinion, is not looking forward to new, gee-whiz, hackable technologies, but rather looking to the past. Old-fashioned paper ballots and voter id. will clear up most of the fraud.

In addition, when counting paper ballots, representatives from both parties should be present to monitor the counting and certify the results at the precinct level, all viewable by citizens via streaming webcams.  read more

14 Comments on Study:1.8 million dead people registered to vote, 24 million voter registrations inaccurate or invalid

  1. I know a lot of people wanted Roy Moore to just go away after his supposed defeat in the recent AL senatorial election, but I think that people should at least be aware of the evidence of vote fraud he has presented in a pending lawsuit. This video shows some of the text from his suit noting some very serious problems:

    If you skip to 4:30, the issue being discussed is the fact that Roy Moore received 34% less votes than the number of ballots that were cast as a “straight ticket” for republicans in certain precincts (mostly precincts considered to be “republican” strangely enough).

    So if there were 10,000 straight ticket ballots cast for the republican party (with Roy Moore at the top of the ticket), Moore was counted as having received only 6,600 votes instead of the full 10,000 votes that were actually cast for him.

    This means that the machines had to be rigged to switch Moore votes to Jones, or not count votes for Moore at all. If you recall, a couple of days before the election a judge ruled that the paper ballots were to be destroyed immediately after the election such that only digital “machine” records would be available. So now they can’t go back and consult the paper ballots to help find the truth. There are several other problems noted in the video as well.

    Even if you don’t like Moore and didn’t want him to win (which I suspect is why there seems to be a “blackout” of this info in the media), this needs to be fully investigated and “run to ground” before the 2018 and future elections in order to prevent elections being stolen by leftists. While the original article linked above raises a lot of questions, the real problems are much deeper than many realize and if the fraud at all levels is not fully exposed it will continue until America is dead.

  2. So what if there are that many dead people on the voting rolls?!!??! They aren’t going to vote! And there aren’t enough voting roll workers to excise the dead peoples names off the rolls.
    NOW, the BAD part is if someone comes along and states that he is Joe Blow and he wants to vote. The voting poll people will allow that!!!! No proof needs to be offered. So how many folks (and I say demoncrats; because it’s always deomoncrats) are going to saunter up to the voting table and ask for a dead persons ballot?!?!?!? I dare say, enough of them to sway an election!
    That’s why you should require picture ID’s to prove who you are.


  3. this one comment says it all and is what I have been advocating for years:

    “The simplest corrective remedy, in my opinion, is not looking forward to new, gee-whiz, hackable technologies, but rather looking to the past. Old-fashioned paper ballots and voter id. will clear up most of the fraud.”

    The author did not even touch on the diebold “adjustable” voting machines or the newer computerized voting booths that are even more “hackable” than a rigged mechanical voting machine made by soros overseas and used in every election since they were invented back in the 50’s.

  4. Abolish Motor Voter. Go back to Paper ballots, with a finger print. Give voter a printed receipt with a number, not your name, and publicly verifiable results. Separately publish the name and address of every voter, NOT HOW they voted, so the public can verify voter rolls. Dems would never win another election, not even in Chicongo or Minnesota. No more 16 point swings for Harry Reid in 24 hours.

  5. Fingerprint! I recently went to Disney ( not by my choice) and they required a fingerprint to enter.
    This……this……is the way. Paper ballots are better but…..remember the hanging chads in 2000.
    The box full of ballots in Minnesota. If Disney has a fingerprint reader, and it works, even my kids had to do it, then it should be very easy.
    I’m sure the Progs will say fingerprints are racist because it will prevent felons from voting ( at least in states where they haven’t been cleared like VA).

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