Subway’s Jared Fogle’s House Searched By Police – IOTW Report

Subway’s Jared Fogle’s House Searched By Police

The police aren’t making any statements about why they are searching Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s home but chances are good that it is connected to the recent arrest of the Fogle Foundation’s director, Russell Taylor, on pornography charges.


Taylor faces “seven counts of production of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography.”


The Foundation has reportedly “severed” ties with Taylor after the arrest.

12 Comments on Subway’s Jared Fogle’s House Searched By Police

  1. my subway recipe-

    foot long tuna on honey oat
    pepper jack cheese
    toasted (a must)
    hot sauce

    THAT is tasty. It’s pretty much all I get unless there is a special that is more interesting.

  2. as far as the article above is concerned – there is an epidemic of kiddie pr0n and pedo rings. We’ve talked about this on here many times WRT the homoqueer tranny gay marriage thing.

    This guy musta been a sloppy moron or ticked off the wrong people.

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