Suddenly Salon Is Against Fringe Groups Seeking Marriage Equality – IOTW Report

Suddenly Salon Is Against Fringe Groups Seeking Marriage Equality

Salon actually has gotten viscerally angry over a man who wants his marriage to two women to be recognized.

If you want to argue that polygamy and marriage equality are the same thing, well, they’re not. If you want respect for how consenting adults arrange their households, though, you’ve got it. That does not however mean that because one group that has fought for friggin’ decades for basic recognition and respect finally has achieved something, that every fringe group — and yeah, sister wife families, you are fringe — gets a piece of the action too. – See more 

How can you argue with this reasoning – “If you want to argue that polygamy and marriage equality are the same thing, well, they’re not”?

15 Comments on Suddenly Salon Is Against Fringe Groups Seeking Marriage Equality

  1. So, fags have tried for decades to get accepted, so they are owed? Really? What year, exactly, did the Mormons leave the USA to a place now named Utah?

    Dumb fucking liberals lean forward so far they ignore history….and think they are enlightened for doing so.

    liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. Tom DeLay was recently discussing a memo which states the DOJ has 12 new perversions they are about to push to legalize—polgamy, bestiality and sex with little boys among them. Slippery slope indeed.

    And Salon and the rest of the disgusting leftist media will lead the cheeleading charge.

  3. That’s why the line-up of sexual perverts is now LGBTBPNP!
    L for lesbian, G for homosexual (horrible misuse of an innocent word), B for Bi-sexual, T for Transsexual, Q for Queer, P for Pedophiliac, B for Bestiality, N for Necrophiliac, and P for Polygamist. All the colors of perversion captured in one multi-hued flag! More letters to be added whenever a new perversion raises it ugly head and shouts for love and equality!

  4. I didn’t click on the article, but it’s obvious to anyone with a brain that the same arguments used in favor of same sex marriage apply to plural marriage. Why limit “the love” to just two people? Equality is equality, no?

  5. Polygamy has more social precedent than gay marriage. Going back thousands of years. If marriage is ONLY a legal matter, and we are refusing to consider the impact to the children, polygamy has more legitimacy than gay marriage. Also, it adds the factor of the free exercise of religion. Polygamy has a far more compelling argument than gay marriage.

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