Sugar Tax Forces 100 Pepsi Employees To Lose Job in Philly – IOTW Report

Sugar Tax Forces 100 Pepsi Employees To Lose Job in Philly

Why not tax everything punitively and then everyone can lose their job? That’s leftist policy taken to its logical conclusion, no?


  • PepsiCo Inc. said it would need to lay off 80 to 100 workers in Philadelphia, blaming the city’s new sugar-sweetened beverage tax, according to Reuters.
  • On Jan. 1, the city of Philadelphia enacted a tax of 1.5 cent per ounce on sugary and diet drinks in an attempt to combat rising obesity and diabetes.
  • Since the tax was imposed, PepsiCo saw a decrease in sales by 40% in Philadelphia.

The 1.5-cent-per-ounce tax on sweetened beverages instituted in Philadelphia in 2017 has been a huge drain on the soda market, with some analysts estimating sales have dropped by as much as 50% year over year.

Philadelphia soft drink distributor Canada Dry Delaware Valley — which is laying off a fifth of its workforce — said business plummeted 45% in the first five weeks of 2017. Other distributors have seen similar figures.

Right now, other cities are considering a similar tax on sugary beverages —Seattle and Santa Fe among them. Soda sales were dwindling before this tax took effect because of consumer preferences shifting to healthier, better-for-you options. This could be another strike against soda sales, causing deeper declines in the near future.

ht/ js

16 Comments on Sugar Tax Forces 100 Pepsi Employees To Lose Job in Philly

  1. And to think the president of Pepsi said her employees were afraid of Trump. When I worked at Pepsi HQ folks were a lot smarter. Of course, the Pepsi presidents were all Americans and not 3rd worlders but that’s another story.

    If Phila wants to cut obesity why not start by cutting soft drinks and salty snacks (Pepsi’s major sales) from allowed food stamp purchases? Oh, that’s right. Those 2 items make up 13% of items purchased with food stamps …which would hurt Pepsi.

    See how the special interests captured government to steal money from the middle class?

  2. I just call it The Great 21st Century Sugar Grab by Leftist, Kommunist Kids who want to run everyon’s life and charge for it! It all makes sense when you look at it from a Cloward-Piven point of view where the objective is to fhuck with the system any way you can to weaken and bring down the United States. This includes crippling business with regulations and unreasonable taxation no matter how strangely it is justified.
    Can you say Transgender Bathrooms?

  3. Ahem, I will point out the sugar tax is directed primarily towards beverages that don’t have actual sugar but high fructose corn syrup. It is the opinion of some that abundant sugar consumption is not good for you while abundant HFCS and other chemical sourced sugar is detrimental. The guts you see walking around, while in part are due to over consumption of fats and carbohydrates, largely are the result of an over abundance of chemicals from poorly sourced cheap foods and beverages. If you put the same overweight person on the same diet but chemical free all organic diet, pounds would start to shed. And the cancers would be cut by the multiples. It is in the best interest of all food and beverage companies to provide high quality natural sourced products. The majority are lagging because they know no one would buy their shit at 3x for the natural price. The secret is people already are or make it themselves for a 100% profit loss to the laggards.

  4. Another example of a ‘sin tax’, but one that doesn’t bother with consistency. In a 12 oz glass, the following beverages have:
    Untaxed – grape juice: 58 grams sugar, 240 calories, no sin tax
    Untaxed – apple juice: 39 grams sugar, 156 calories, no sin tax
    Taxed – Coca Cola: 38 grams sugar, 152 calories, 18¢ sin tax
    Untaxed – orange juice: 33 grams sugar, 132 calories, no sin tax
    Taxed – Coke zero: 0 grams sugar, 1 calorie, 18¢ sin tax
    Taxed – Pepsi Max: 0 grams sugar, 1 calorie, 18¢ sin tax

    So there you have it, some of the highest sugar content drinks are untaxed, and those with no sugar or calories are taxed. It is really about a revenue grab.

  5. See? This is why government needs your tax money! Surely now we all can see how valuable government bureaucrats are — where would we be without them. Sorry, am going through the annual tax prep chore and I always get chuffed this time of year when I see the vast amount of my $$ that go into the taxation ether — and crap like this….

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