Suit: Washington AG Bob Ferguson Colluded with Unions – IOTW Report

Suit: Washington AG Bob Ferguson Colluded with Unions

Washington Free Beacon:

Think tank says Trump opponent redacted emails to cover up coziness with labor groups.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson tried to cover up his office’s collusion with labor unions after a think tank asked for public records about their communications, according to a lawsuit.

Ferguson is one of several Democrats seeking to resist the Trump administration’s directive that would prohibit states from siphoning Medicaid payments away from at-home caregivers and putting them in the pockets of labor unions, such as Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

The Freedom Foundation, a Washington state pro-free market think tank, requested public records about the attorney general’s communications with major public sector unions relating to the policy. In return, it received pages of emails from Ferguson’s office. The bodies of those messages were reduced to black ink, nearly everything redacted except for the salutations and signatures of the senders.

Now the foundation is suing for the full records, saying that the government is covering up its collusion with powerful labor organizations.  more here

11 Comments on Suit: Washington AG Bob Ferguson Colluded with Unions

  1. Ha ha ha … “collusion” my ass.

    “Conspiracy to defraud and deceive” is more probable.

    The FBI should be investigating under the RICO statutes … ha ha ha … like THAT’S gonna happen!

    “Nothing! I see nothing!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “The lawsuit asks the court to force the state to pay $100 each day for every page that it withholds from public view.” so does that mean the TaxPayers are on the tab for the costs of corrupt politicians yet again??

  3. Ummmmmmmm….. haven’t democrats been in bed with unions since their advent? In my opinion, public sector unions are illegal and should be abolished.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Of course Ferguson is dirty. dRATS have had an incestuous relationship with Unions for quite some time at the expense of small business. WA State grooms the people they give money to, just as pediphiles groom their victims.
    The evidence is all around, do you think all that concrete in the roads has nothing to do with politics(?), do you think the qualifications and continuing education for the Trades makes anything better except for the Unions(?), do you think Seattle is not a shithole run by homosexuals and socialists(?), do you think the new gun laws represent the will of the people(?), jeesh, get a grip.


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