Sulphur, Oklahoma Tornado Damage – IOTW Report

Sulphur, Oklahoma Tornado Damage

Drone video after overnight tornado ripped through Sulphur, OK. Damage appears to be at least EF3. April 28, 2024.

7 Comments on Sulphur, Oklahoma Tornado Damage

  1. Too early in the season for this stuff to happen naturally in my opinion.

    Keep attention on the hurricane situation. That shouldn’t happen until around August/September.

    We know that these evil doers can influence weather events through electronic energy transmissions thru HAARP so it looks to the normie like “climate change”, and they don’t care who they hurt doing it.


    Please take off the foil hat an look at the long term history of the area before we had airplanes or HAARP. This is normal weather.

    As a life longer resident of North Texas and Oklahoma aka “Tornado Alley”, this happens around this time, (mid April thru June) almost every year or so like clockwork. Doesn’t require any conspiracy or evil government agency. Mother Nature can be a complete b***h anytime she pleases, and spring time is usually when the conditions are right.

    Many of the worst tornadoes in the history of the area happened in April 45 and 50 years ago.

    We have plenty of real conspiracies without blaming natural events.

  3. My paternal grandfather was born in Arkansas in 1897 but moved to Oklahoma when he was a small child in the early 1900’s. My grandmother was born in Texas in 1895 and survived the 1900 Galveston hurricane that killed 10,000 people. I am glad that they moved from Oklahoma and Texas in the 1910’s first to Colorado and moving to N. Idaho in the 1920’s where my grandfather was a hard rock miner in the silver mines in the tiny town of Burke, Idaho and eventually became a small farmer from 1930 on just N. of Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. You couldn’t pay me to live in tornado alley of Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and the other states where tornados are common including Tennessee where my oldest daughter lives.

  4. Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain!

    We have kids and grandkids near Tulsa. Wife was fixated on live weather reports all evening. Luckily the tornadoes petered out before they got there.


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