Supporter of the Race-Baiting Industrial Complex Tells White Woman Not to Quote MLK Jr. – IOTW Report

Supporter of the Race-Baiting Industrial Complex Tells White Woman Not to Quote MLK Jr.

Things get hot when a white panelist is told not to quote Martin Luther King: I will ‘every single day. And you won’t stop me.’


“My thoughts are largely that the most important thing is the content of our character and what’s in our heads and our ideas and our thought, not the color of our skin,” Grossman, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush answered. “So whether or not you have racial diversity in that intern class. I would argue probably you have a lot more diversity in terms of political viewpoints because President Trump’s election has really stirred things up.”

“I’m a little concerned about creating intern classes where everybody looks different but thinks the same,” Grossman added.

“Please don’t quote [Dr. Martin Luther King],” Martin interjected, displaying a familiar stance where some black Americans claim exclusive ownership of King’s legacy.

“I will quote him!” an irritated Grossman fired back. “Do you want to have more of a debate on race?”

The libertarian then made it clear that she will not be bullied into silence over race.

“You’re kind of politically-correct bullying of people on racism is not going to work,” she continued, wagging her finger in the air. “So, I will quote Dr. Martin Luther King every single day. And you won’t stop me.”



21 Comments on Supporter of the Race-Baiting Industrial Complex Tells White Woman Not to Quote MLK Jr.

  1. The irony is lost on this racist bigot when comparing Trump interns v obama’s. I was hard pressed to find a white kid in obama’s, yet he has no issue with that.

    They love to quote MLK when denigrating whites based on, wait for it… the color of their skin.

  2. “Da bitch set me up!”
    Oh, wait, that wasn’t MLK that was MSB.

    “Yo, dat sum good shit, dere, muthuhfuckuh!”
    No … no … that wasn’t MLK, either …

    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
    No … uhh … that was that guy who latched onto MLK’s coattail …

    “If you can’t take their money and screw em, you’re in the wrong line of work.”
    No … not MLK … that was WLB …

    izlamo delenda est …


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