Supreme Court Preserves ‘Remain in Mexico’ Border Defense – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Preserves ‘Remain in Mexico’ Border Defense

Breitbart: The Supreme Court has told the administration that it can keep sending migrants back to Mexico, pending the final decision in a lawsuit against the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

“The application for stay presented to Justice Kagan and by her referred to the Court is granted, and the district court’s April 8, 2019 order granting a preliminary injunction is stayed pending the timely filing and disposition,” said the court’s order.

The order is a defeat for pro-migration advocates who want to reopen the border. But it is not a surprise, in part, because the removal of the program would allow roughly 30,000 Central American migrants to quickly move over the U.S. border, and into U.S. cities, job markets, and housing.

The court’s decision would have also dismantled one of the major legal barriers to the border wall, so inviting another huge wave of blue-collar migrants from Central America, amid public worries about the coronavirus epidemic.

Administration officials welcomed the court’s decision to preserve the program, which is officially named the “Migrant Protection Protocols” (MPP). MORE

6 Comments on Supreme Court Preserves ‘Remain in Mexico’ Border Defense

  1. I wonder about these leftist state and city employees in California who want all these illegal immigrants flooding in. Don’t they understand that even without the extra burden on the state budget they cause, there isn’t enough money left to give them their lavish retirement benefits? The money just isn’t there anymore. One trillion in unfunded liabilities just in that state.

  2. I noticed that the “wise latina” wrote in opposition to the granting of the stay. I guess she has a lot of relatives just the other side of the border waiting to crash the party. Keep filling those empty bench seats just as fast as you can.

  3. FTA: Progressives slammed the decision.

    “I can’t contain my rage,” said immigration lawyer Patrick Taurel. “The law in this country boils down to whatever 5 people say it is, and they don’t even have to explain themselves!”

    I suppose Patrick El-turd really blew a gasket every time ONE lib judge issued a nationwide injunction against Trump’s immigration orders. Oh wait….

    OTOH, 3 panel judge(s) in the 9th Court of Appeals just yesterday heard the case re Sierra Club v Trump, suing over DoD funds being appropriated towards the Wall that Congress failed to appropriate last year.

    I wonder if they have a shred of awareness and how they’ll decide the case based on this latest SCOTUS decision. Nah, it was 2 Clinton appointees and 1 Trump appointee. They’ll rule in favor of Sierra and punt it up to SCOTUS.

  4. Ha! The same Sierra Club who said nothing when Harry Reid bought land to put a golf course on. Keep in mind, they were going on and on about protecting that land because of some insect or tortoise or something.
    But they were OK with Reid trampling on it with con$truction equipment.


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