Survivor at 21 weeks 5 days – IOTW Report

Survivor at 21 weeks 5 days

Which lefty politician, pundit or voter or big mouth wants to step up and hit these clump of cells with a hammer?
(Go to link to see a picture of THE BABY.)

In some places, babies born before 22 weeks gestation are unaided by medical personnel who believe these children have no chance of survival. Doctors will often refuse to resuscitate a child born so prematurely. Therefore, when Courtney Stensrud went into preterm labor after a medical emergency at just 21 weeks and four days gestation, there was little hope her baby girl would survive… except she did.

Now three years old, Stensrud’s daughter may be the youngest person to survive after being born so soon, and because of it, she has been featured in the journal PediatricsAmillia Taylor was born and survived at just 21 weeks, six days. Frieda Mangold is Europe’s youngest premature survivor. She was born at 21 weeks, five days. Stensrud told CNN that before giving birth, while she was in the hospital dealing with the premature rupture of membranes and an infection, she had researched online for any children who had survived after being born at 21 weeks. She couldn’t find a single one.

“There were stories of 22-weekers, 23-weekers, but nothing about 21-weekers,” she said. “So I knew that there was little to no survival or viability at 21 weeks.”

Dr. Kaashif Ahmad, a neonatologist at the hospital, told Stensrud that her baby would more than likely die and that he advised against resuscitation. She was told to simply hold her baby until the little girl stopped breathing. Stensrud, however, refused to believe that there wasn’t a chance for her tiny 15-ounce newborn.

“Although I was listening to him, I just felt something inside of me say, ‘Just have hope and have faith.’ It didn’t matter to me that she was 21 weeks and four days. I didn’t care,” she explained. “As he was talking to me, I just said, ‘Will you try?’ And he said he would, and three years later, we have our little miracle baby.”


7 Comments on Survivor at 21 weeks 5 days

  1. This little miracle is just more proof that YHVH knows better than we do as mere mortals. Man’s “wisdom” dictated not even giving this child a chance at her early stage of development. But God breathed life into her when the average doctor wouldn’t have even attempted it.

    I hope this precious baby and her family count God’s blessings for the rest of their lives. And I hope against hope that this example will change the hearts of many “pro-choice” people that still misguidedly claim that this child at her stage of development was simply a clump of cells with no form or chance of survival as a human being.

    Psalm 139:13 English Standard Version (ESV)

    13 For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

  2. It is pretty hard not to believe in miracles when you live with one.
    So many memories.
    This is a picture of our daughter 2-14-1996, born at 24 weeks, she would have been 50 days in NICU at this point. She was born 1lb3oz and was the smallest baby to ever survive in the particular NICU we were in.
    She has been such a joy in our lives and is perfect in every way, senior in college and soon to be married.
    Thanks Fur for posting this story it always brings the waterworks when I read about these children who aren’t supposed to make it.
    All life is blessed and a miracle, sometimes Jesus just lets us in a for a little closer inspection to rend our hearts not our garments. Jl 2:13
    The nurses put her in a little doll dress and took her picture that was featured in a National NICU calendar. When we arrived at the hospital that night I was able to hold her for the first time. Anyway maybe a few tears will help me get back to sleep.

  3. It certainly is a big plus she was wanted, won’t be slammed against apartment walls for crying, enduring cig burns, neglected.

    Wanted babies grow up healthy, loved.

    Unwanted babies do not. …..Lady in Red

  4. Wife had preme twins over thirty years ago at 2# 6oz & 3# 2oz. One now a doctor and the other a nurse in special needs practice.

    Just had the feeling they would make it and they did.

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