Susan Collins Agrees To Back RFK Jr. – IOTW Report

Susan Collins Agrees To Back RFK Jr.

100% FU

Last week, Susan Collins surprised many by announcing she would vote YES for Tulsi Gabbard. Today similar news broke, with Collins announcing she will vote YES for RFK Jr.

The news came directly from Manu Raju, Chief Congressional Correspondent for CNN. Raju says he talked to Collins and she confirmed she would vote yes: MORE

11 Comments on Susan Collins Agrees To Back RFK Jr.

  1. Good.

    Now RFK needs to shut down mRNA or hes as bad a hypocrite and a liar and a coward as the rest of them.

    He wrote an entire book on the evil that Fauci wrought.

    Now he needs to prove he has courage to those convictions…

  2. They fear not being re-elected and losing their spot in the money machine.
    Musk money taking out the trash.
    Hope it happens anyway. Just go away with your millions and call it a day.

  3. Trump’s biggest club imo is the removal of personal security personnel and of security clearances.

    Without those, these “representatives” must actually represent their constituents or they’re solely compostable material


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