Susan Sarandon’s Son Begs People To Stop Spreading Hamas Mama’s Naked Pictures – IOTW Report

Susan Sarandon’s Son Begs People To Stop Spreading Hamas Mama’s Naked Pictures

First, here’s the story.

I would definitely put links to his mommy getting naked for money and fame, but I won’t. Not in deference to the son, but because I don’t need the Google strikes.

They used to be pretty good. I am sure she is kicking them out of the way when she gets out of the shower these days.

24 Comments on Susan Sarandon’s Son Begs People To Stop Spreading Hamas Mama’s Naked Pictures

  1. Your HAMAS naked mothers should be spread everywhere
    because your HAMAS mother is a fucking JERK .

    People who are fucking jerks should held up to public
    ridicule for being such JERKS.

    These jerks have no right to tell others how to think
    because they are

  2. poor Sue … how humiliating it must be to know that she had to suck so much Harvey Weinstein crank just to get to play in movies … but, it probably gave her idiot ex-husband, Tim Robbins, a great big chubby

    must be s bitch for baby boy to have to go to confession at the local mosque

    these people are so loathsomely pathetic … truly unworthy of salvation

  3. Janet can cram it, damn it. Maybe Brad can rescue her or she can just roll over and get back in bed with Dr. Frankenfurter. But the rest of us are done with her and her Hamas buddies.

  4. I remember a time when America was a civilized society and talking about such things was considered base. A son talking about is mother’s breasts? This is “news” now. Can’t stop progress, I guess.

  5. She said one of the MOST DISGUSTING things I have ever heard.

    She sides with 1.9 Billion Muslims or 25% of the world population against 15.2 Million Jews and is happy American Jews are afraid. She is a Disgrace.

  6. She’s always been an intellectual mess. So, Tim Robbins dumped her in 2008. But being married to her explains what focked him up, eh? Or was he always a misguided idiot? Never mind, I actually don’t care.

  7. Is he kidding? She’d whip them out for a photographer at the drop of a hat back when she was famous for something other than her stupidity. She released the pictures. Talk to her.

  8. methinks sonny boy doth protest too much … “everybody stop looking at my mommy’s boobys …. it’s causing me trauma!” …. nobody gives two craps about this skanks boobs … except sonny boy …. evidently

    first rule the Ho’s of Ho’llywood learn is that any publicity is good publicity

    this is a distraction from mommy’s disgusting racist remarks

    … & leave it to Ho’llywood to distract everyone w/ ‘oh look! BOOBS’


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