Suspected Wine Country Arsonist is an Illegal – IOTW Report

Suspected Wine Country Arsonist is an Illegal

The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) issued a detainer request on the Sonoma County Jail for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of arson in Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents.

Breitbart News reported earlier this week that Sonoma County Sheriffs had arrested Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, 29, at Maxwell Regional Park in Sonoma County after a series of reports of ongoing fires in the region. Mr. Gonzalez was observed around 3:00 p.m. PDT wearing a jacket and walking “out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

Mr. Gonzalez, who is homeless and reportedly known by law enforcement to have been living under a nearby bridge, claimed he was cold and had lit the fire to stay warm. But it was a balmy 78 degrees when he and the plume of smoke were first observed.

Mr. Gonzalez was booked into the Sonoma County Jail for suspicion of felony arson. His bail was set at a steep $110,000, according to the Sonoma County Sheriff Public Information Officer.


ht/ bad brad

39 Comments on Suspected Wine Country Arsonist is an Illegal

  1. Wow, a demonstrative fact about the utility of undocumented immigrants. This good-old, environmentally concerned fellow decided to initiate a controlled burn to help repopulate the domestic species. Now the Sage Grouse, Spotted Owl, Jack Pine and “Red Herring” can make a comeback in Sonoma. Oh and I bet he has a PhD in Natural Resources from a brand-name university.

  2. Sonoma is a sanctuary county where the residents have lost their personal sanctuaries. If they survived at all. This should be all the evidence required for residents to vote out their county board of supervisors en masse.

  3. I’ve been waiting for ISIS to claim “credit” for the destruction.
    Arson Jihad. It’s coming.

    Easy, requires zero skills, catastrophically damaging and almost impossible to guard against.

  4. Brad, you’re right on that. I was just thinking the same thing. In fact I have half a mind to post for him, that would be just 10% of $110,000. That would really piss some people off wouldn’t it. I couldn’t really do it, but someone probably will.

  5. Oh. Well, in that case there’s no crime then.

    Move along, people. Your precious grapes will grow back. Your McMansions can be rebuilt.

    No human is illegal after all.

  6. Another article I read says LE is thinking these were started by drug cartels to eliminate the competition from LEGAL pot growers. Many of these fires are in areas of legal pot grows while the illegal grows are untouched.
    You will never hear this on the news. A: it would mean growing pot has consequences and B: they NEVER report on any thing bad about illegals. It would trip up their messaging.

  7. I have family members that have done the Hot Shot Crew thing. Two doing it this year. They are always running into booby traps set up by growers. When they stumble on one they need to clear out and wait for LE to secure the area. And LE is not going in because the place is on fire.

  8. My mom is visiting my sister in CA and she found out it was an illegal a few days ago. I lived in CA for 17 years and most of the fires were set by illegals or some dumb ass smoking weed, who fell asleep and then the campfire went out of control. It’s actually rare for a forest fire to start because of lightning. lol.

    So will they be billing Mexico for the fire? They can try, but Mexico will just tell Moonbeam, “Ey, he’s jur prallem. Estan sanctuary estate, que no? “

  9. a non a moose — I read the same story. Forget where I saw it. The article pointed out the strategic pattern of the fires burning this month versus the usual pattern that has occurred in the past. Strange coincidence with legal marijuana coming on line in CA? Apparently the growers were putting a lot of cash into proper growing apparatus, etc. Plus, the earlier reporting of the homeless man said the fire dept. had extinguished the fire(s) he set. IDK.

  10. Well, they had to blame it on *someone*. They certainly couldn’t blame the Forest Service for the non-removal of dead, diseased, or fallen trees that are the kindling for lightening strikes and such. AND… Since all the white men were working that day…. they have to settle for a white hispanic. Bummer.

  11. As noted above, sending the bill for reconstruction plus punitive payments to the families of those who were lost to the mother country of the illegal will go a long ways towards curbing their overall enthusiasm to invade.

  12. Well the Mexican Drug Cartel was just protecting their business. The way California government loves illegals they should understand that they got to eat too.

  13. Not being technically competent I don’t know how these things are done, but how about a “Go Fund Me” account for his bail. Then rather than just pissing people off when he gets out, take him for a ride.

    I write for my own amusement and in a little screen play that’s what happened to one of my characters. Low bail got him out to go “sleep with the fishes.”

  14. Here’s something to think about. Y’all know the old Butterfly Effect theory, right? A butterfly flaps its wings in China and creates a hurricane in the Caribbean, or some kind of shit like that?

    Well here’s a real Butterfly Effect for ya.
    1) the leftist billions-funded professional Environmental Industry cons America into putting 10% ethanol made from corn into our cars’ gasoline.
    2) it takes 105-100 gallons of fuel to create 100 gallons of ethanol-blended fuel, a net BTU loss, creating MORE pollution, not less.
    3) it drives up the price of gasoline and we US taxpayers are subsidizing the ethanol industry, whose major players are three crony-capitalist corporate-welfare multinational globalist corporations: Archer Daniels Midland, ConAgra and Cargill.
    4) but here’s the Butterfly Effect – forcing ethanol on the American People forces the price of corn to skyrocket, driving up prices on foods like beef….and driving up the prices of basic foodstuffs like exported corn.
    5) poor people barely living above the subsistence level in Third World Shitholes can no longer afford their maize/ corn to make tortillas, etc AND SO THEY GO NORTH TO AMERICA, THE LAND OF FREE SHIT.

    I really fucking HATE the Environmental Industry. FUCK YOU Greenpeace, Sierra Club, EDF Environmental Defense Fund, Audubon Society, Tides Foundation, SUNOCO Oil/ Pew Family Environment Group, Sea Shepherds, Teddy Roosevelt Conservation….I’m sure I missed a few dozen….

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