Swalwell Clowned By His Picture – IOTW Report

Swalwell Clowned By His Picture

21 Comments on Swalwell Clowned By His Picture

  1. ^^^ “…Bowties are gay!…”

    Ummm, yeah for normal daily attire, but this was obviously a High School formal picture – either senior prom or graduation. Save your ridicule for something more significant. Besides, it’s not the bow tie, but rather the perfectly coiffed, spiked, gelled (and possibly bleached) hair that clowns him. He thought he was a high school stud!

  2. What’s REALLY frightening is that what he looks like on the outside is NOTHING compared to what he looks like on the INSIDE.

    In my mind’s eye, I see on the inside a large cave, mostly empty, but with thousands and thousands of bats hanging from the ceiling and four feet of bat guano on the floor.

  3. Oh come on. It was his high school year book pic. This guy was raised in an extremely conservative house hold. In fact in 2016 I’m sure I read his parents very vocally supported Trump. So bottom line, this is why you don’t send your kids to college.

    PS, stupid faggot soccer player. That might have had something to do with his out come.

  4. My Granddad wore bow ties. Nobody would ever talk shit to him about that.

    What I hate is bigots, and people who tie a half Windsor!

    All kidding aside, people who wear spread collars and half Windsors should be killed with extreme extremeness.


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