SWAT Sniper Takes Out Man Holding Hostage at Knifepoint – IOTW Report

SWAT Sniper Takes Out Man Holding Hostage at Knifepoint


A SWAT team sniper freed two hostages on Tuesday after taking down an alleged bank robber at a Florida Bank of America.

The incident unfolded in the Bank of America at Bell Tower financial center, according to NBC 2.  Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno said the suspect allegedly held one hostage in a headlock and the other with a knife to her throat, according to the outlet. That’s when a SWAT team sniper took a shot at the alleged robber and killed him.

#BREAKING: A male suspect claiming to have a bomb strapped to him is inside a Bank of America at #BellTower Shops in Fort Myers, #Florida.

Law enforcement personnel have surrounded the bank, and a shirtless man was seen being escorted by SWAT officers with his hands zip-tied… pic.twitter.com/O08j0LlukG

— World Times (@WorldTimesWT) February 6, 2024

One witness told NBC 2 that they were inside the bank and saw a young man jump over the counter claiming he had a bomb. FBI agents and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene, according to NBC 2. 

Video footage obtained by NBC 2 appears to show a SWAT team agent standing in a doorway, with footage partially obstructed by the door.

“Listen, just come out here, let me see your hands and we’ll work with you, we’ll work with you,” the officer can be heard saying. “I know you’re going through a lot but this isn’t gonna make what you’re going through any easier.”

The suspect is heard speaking belligerently before the video ends.

13 Comments on SWAT Sniper Takes Out Man Holding Hostage at Knifepoint

  1. Remember how Bank Of “America” helpfully fed EVERY ONE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS that did business in and around DC on and around J6 to the FBI for interrogation?


    And remember how BOA, of their own volition, CHOSE to datamine their own customers for gun purchases at ANY time and place and later went to DC?


    Seems like maybe it would be better if they shot people on the OTHER side of the counter.

  2. Golly, the pic of the perp just floored me. I would’ve never guessed it was some low IQ N piece of shit who attempted such a stupid and pointless crime. Good riddance, you wakandan dumbass.

  3. Having met a few cop snipers at the range over the years, it appears that they do most of their shooting at around 60 yards…. NOW THAT’S SNIPING!


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