Sweden: 79 Per Cent of ‘Refugees’ Have Vacationed in Country They ‘Fled’ From – IOTW Report

Sweden: 79 Per Cent of ‘Refugees’ Have Vacationed in Country They ‘Fled’ From


A survey published this week has shown that the vast majority of “refugees” living in Sweden have vacationed in the country they fled from — though hardly any wish to ever return permanently.

The survey, which was conducted by the polling firm Novus, claims that, around 85 per cent of people living in Sweden born overseas have gone on vacation to their home country — and that among people who are supposed to be refugees the number is around 79 per cent, despite the fact they are in Sweden in the first place because they were supposedly forced to flee said home country.

The results also reveal that very few migrants ever wish to return to their home countries permanently, with just two per cent saying they planned to return in the future and only 16 per cent said they might consider it, the online newspaper Bulletin, which commissioned the survey, reports.

Of those surveyed who came to Sweden from a country outside of the European Union, a total of 81 per cent said they would be looking to permanently stay in Sweden. Just over half of the respondents stated that Sweden was a better country to raise children compared to their home country, while nine per cent said Sweden was worse than their homelands. more

9 Comments on Sweden: 79 Per Cent of ‘Refugees’ Have Vacationed in Country They ‘Fled’ From

  1. All of my Muslims take a month’s leave to go back home, no matter how bad a sty home is. They usually take the opportunity for various scams too, like when a bunch of them get together to get a cargo container and fill it with Goodwill electronics and ship it home for overpriced dispersal there. I had one guy that kept trying to line up a White woman to add to his alleged stable of wives of every other color back home, and he wasn’t at all bashful about it, either. Not sure if he ever got one, if he did it wasn’t anyone I knew of.

    They get good pay here, but it’s worth a LOT more there. They can go home and play Richie Rich for a month, and still keep their jobs because there’s no way in hell the company would dare deny them the full leave.

    I have noticed, however, that the Cambodians and Vietnamese and mainland Chinese don’t seem to share that yen to go home, particularly the older ones that were brought here to flee Khimer Rouge depredations.

    Seems like only the people ACTUALLY in fear of their lives don’t want to go home. Which suggests that those asylum claims are flimsy at best.

    I know a group of Hondurans in my Assembly plant that do the same thing, usually around Christmas.

    My Mexicans don’t bother.

    The rest of the family is already here.

  2. Sweden’s stupid to keep the maggots (as we are).
    But then … Sweden ain’t been shit since Charles XII.
    Course, we ain’t been shit since President Trump’s election was stolen from him.
    Or, more precisely, we HAVE been shit since President Trump’s election was stolen from him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Their old countries are shitholes, but they are trying to turn their new home into a shithole just like it.”
    Just like the blue state refugees moving to the red states.
    They want to get away from the disaster that they created and will continue to act and vote in their new state as they did in their original state. Thus ruining their new home.
    The invaders from the south of the border and from around the world are just the same. We’re F**ked!


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