Swedish Poll Shows Populist Gains – IOTW Report

Swedish Poll Shows Populist Gains

Breitbart Europe:

Sweden is still without a government over two months after the national election and a poll shows a new election could see an increase for the populist Sweden Democrats.

The poll, which is itself a compilation of various polls, was released by Sifo this week and shows the populist Sweden Democrats gaining at 19.2 percent, ahead of their historic 17.5 percent in September’s national election, and ahead of the conservative Moderate party, broadcaster Sveriges Radio reports.

While the Moderates, whose members have said they would support opening negotiations with the Sweden Democrats, have fallen slightly in the polls, the Centre party, which is a member of the four-party Alliance along with the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, has gained slightly.

The Liberals, however, have lost support and sit at 4.6 percent, dangerously close to the four percent cut-off to enter parliament which could see them lose all of their current 20 seats in what would be a blow to the Alliance as a whole.  read more

3 Comments on Swedish Poll Shows Populist Gains

  1. Just sayen, Christian Working Class white in France are finally inflamed. They are pissed. It’s about time. Where are all those damn Alah Snack Bar God Damn muzzy trash right now? After all, those taxes are going for funding there freeloading shit.

  2. Political gains by itself ain’t going to get rid of the muzzie trash. The PEOPLE are going to have to get up off their weak, emasculated, socialist welfare, cradle to grave asses and get PHYSICAL with their unwelcome guests.
    And that still may not work. Too many Swedes are infected with “white guilt” Stockholm Syndrome Libtardism.


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