Sweetened Drinks Are Bad for Your Liver – IOTW Report

Sweetened Drinks Are Bad for Your Liver

Epoch Times

Do you find yourself drinking a sweetened beverage every day? Be cautious, as this habit could increase the risk of chronic liver disease and even liver cancer.

It is widely known that consuming sweetened drinks can contribute to obesity and insulin resistance but a recent prospective cohort study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has now linked sweetened drinks to liver disease.

The study showed that individuals who regularly consume sweetened drinks face an astonishing 85 percent higher likelihood of developing liver cancer and a 68 percent higher risk of mortality from chronic liver disease than those who consume fewer sweetened drinks. More

35 Comments on Sweetened Drinks Are Bad for Your Liver

  1. This may be true.

    This may even be life saving.

    …too bad it is no longer possible to believe ANYTHING the medical community says, or to think they said it without a hidden agenda being the reason why…

  2. Is there anything, outside the COVID vaccine of course, that won’t kill us?

    I think it has been conclusively proven that everyone who has died at a young age has had water to drink.

  3. There are three core medical truisms.

    Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, and oxygen is good.

    Any interference with these needs intervention, and anything beyond these can be manipulated, distorted, or just plain wrong.

    …just remember that every medicine recalled by the FDA, every medical device approval withdrawn by the FDA, and every procedure disallowed by the FDA had once been approved by them, and draw your conclusions on their credibility accordingly…

  4. Yup, and the vaccines are safe and effective, masks work, and puberty blockers do no harm.

    All the medical experts can take their studies and shove them straight up their ass…making sure to be inclusive in said shoving studies up asses (women, minorities, the transtesticle community, the pillow biters, etc.)

  5. …they will probably come up with an anti-sweetener vaxxx that is SaFe AnD eFfEcTiVe just in time for the elections, and make it manditory for everyone but illegals or you’re a rayyycisss

  6. Just going to say I know an old couple who lived about a mile from me. They both recently passed away, he was 101, she was 100. He fell and broke his hip, infection built up and was what killed him. She died of a broken heart, as she went to sleep and didn’t wake up a week after he died. They had been married for almost 84 years. Every single morning they both drank a pot of coffee that they took sugar and cream. They drank a pitcher of sweet tea every single day. Tea, coffee, water and milk is all they ever drank and according to them during the depression and sugar rationing is the only time they drank their coffee without sugar and gave up tea during that time.

    Something is going to kill us all, nobody is promised tomorrow, I’ve lived my life and if I want to drink a soda or my sweet tea, then I’m going to drink it.

  7. High Fructose corn syrup cannot be digested by the human body.
    Ditto for the Rumsfeld disease sweetener.
    That’s why the drug companies have a pill for solving this problem.
    Brand new pill called cyanide.

  8. @SNS

    Proper credit would be Amos Milburn, John Lee Hooker, then George Thorogood with a few others mixed in over the years since 1953. It was originally titled One Scoth, One Bourbon, One Beer. JLH reordered the title when he recorded it in 1966. The George in 1977.

    Sorry a bit of a music nerd.

  9. Anyone else remember the artificial sweetener cyclamates that was used to sweeten powdered drink mixes and etc. and was proved to cause cancer and was banned by the FDA back in the 70’s or so. If I remember right a lab mouse or a rat would have had to drink mega amounts of the stuff to develop cancer. All I remember is it was so sweet that it made my teeth cringe. Pillsbury used it a lot in their drink mixes with funny names like Goofy Grape, Jolly Olly Orange etc. marketed to kids.

  10. Hell, Geoff, sugar causes cancer. Why not double down on all us nasty carbon footprinters? <— That's a real word because I really made it up.

    "If I remember right a lab mouse or a rat would have had to drink mega amounts of the stuff to develop cancer."

    That works with LD50 also LD = Lethal Dose. For half the people to de from my pesticides they'd have to chug a bunch of it, not just get some on your skin you can wash off.

    Hell, I've been professionally applying chemicals for almost 40 years and there's nothing.. nothing.. nothing wrong with me!

  11. I saw a video with some white guys who claimed that cancer was mitochondrial and that sugar FED the cancer – didn’t CAUSE it.

    I have no idea what the facts is, but anything from JAMA is probably bullshit.

    As usual, cui bono.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. It’s also know known that a majority of scientists and top doctors are dangerous to your overall health.

    (I didn’t capitalize their titles because they don’t deserve it)


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